How to use the Vinyl Flat Record Flattener

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The Vinyl Flat is the proven, simple and affordable way to fix warped and dished vinyl records and is used by knowledge record collectors and vinyl record enthusiasts worldwide.

1) Prepare the Groovy Pouch at the right temperature of 130-150 degrees °F
2) Assemble the Vinyl Flat inserting the warped record and groovy rings included
3) Insert the Vinyl Flat in the heated Groovy Pouch and wait for 1 hour
4) Turn off and cool down for at least 45 minutes
5) Remove record and play your favorite music!
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I dunno about the video, but I'll tell you what: I bought this product, used it per the instructions, and dang if it didn't make a record I unknowingly bought warped decades ago play without jumping for the first time ever. I don't care if it was two bricks and heating pad - it worked.


...and for the finale, they actually put a warped Lp on display for us to watch (in disbelief). LMAO


Don't forget to man handle your records by the playing surface too...


Hello! What material are the inner Groovy Rings made of and where can I order everything for Europe? How many millimeters is the thickness of the outer compression circles? I see they are different?! Thanks


Imagine trying to sell a "premium" product (which is essentially just two bits of metal that screw together) to people and have the promo video show terrible handling of the record and afterwards playing it on an atrocious record player. If you are gonna charge this much for it, your target audience isn't going to be the kind of people that have a cheap all in one player. Take this more seriously guys. Make a video with someone who knows how to handle a record and get even a passable turntable (LP-60 at the very least) to demonstrate the record after. It's a small cost for what will bring in way more customers. And for God sake change the "Flatten Vinyls" on your website, this is embarrassing.


Ordered mine Monday, Got 8 Albums I want to save!


Finally decided to get the groovy pouch and was disappointed to learn it does NOT reach 130 degrees F as instructed to properly treat a warped vinyl🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ It got to 123 degrees f in 1 hour plugged in😤


Wow....trying to promote a new product in the vinyl community and you splice together one of the most amatuer 30 second videos ever!!!! Love when the suits in a company have absolutely NO idea what they are doing😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeesh. The product is solid, but this video is horrible promotion. Final result is a warped record on a crap turntable after some gorilla held it by the grooves? Good lord! Destroy this video and try again, please!
