#2020VisionHack Livestream: OpenVino Tutorial
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OpenVINO Tutorial
Raymond Lo, PhD, OpenVINO Edge AI Software Evangelist - Intel
Learn how to use OpenVINO in 20 minutes live December 16th 10am PST/6pm GMT!
Raymond Lo, PhD, OpenVINO Edge AI Software Evangelist - Intel
Learn how to use OpenVINO in 20 minutes live December 16th 10am PST/6pm GMT!
#2020VisionHack Livestream: OpenVino Tutorial
#2020VisionHack Livestream: Tutorial OpenVino and ADLINK Edge
#2020VisionHack Livestream: Session 2 AMA with ADLINK, Intel & OpenVINO
#2020VisionHack Livestream: Session 1 AMA with ADLINK, Intel & OpenVINO
#2020VisionHack Livestream: Tutorial Overview ADLINK Edge Platform
Introduction to computer vision with intel® OPENvino® - by Tech Tag
Build OpenVino Inference Samples, and Make Them Run
#2020VisionHack Livestream: Tutorial ADLINK Edge and the Vision Applications
Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit introduction and demo
Scalable directional detection with openvino
Optimizing Image Recognition With Intel OpenVINO
OpenVINO Webinar
Tips on Open-Sourced Deep Learning With OpenVINO
How Intel OpenVINO Powers Viana™ Deep Learning ⚡
#2020visionhack Join Intel Livedemo Intel® Devcloud for the Edge with Anna Belova
DepthAI (OpenCV-OAK) Gen2 Gaze Estimation
Learning about the OpenVINO toolkit
Training to Inference Develop AI models with QuAI and Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit(Closed Caption)
Adrian Boguszewski: Optimize your network inference time with OpenVINO
face detection using openvino
AnalogMAX DAQ1, OpenVino as embedded AI tools in a companion robot.
Intel OpenVINO Workshop by Kazi Haque, Intel Software Innovator, with Eduroutes - Accelerator April
CAII HAL Training: OpenVINO™ Toolkit Integration with TensorFlow
#2020visionhack Live Demo - Intel Ravi Panchumarthy, Ph.D - Oil & Gas Seismic Interpretation