Quran confirms evolution and human African roots - There Is No Clash

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Science has proven that the very first human evolved in Africa. Find out in this captivating episode how Holy Quran pinpoints exactly where this is located in Africa.

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Sorry, i don't agree with you at all here.
1. Paradise is not on earth let alone Africa.
2. If Adam was the first man what do you mean evolution?
And the Qur'an never said Evolution but creation.
God created the first man from dust/clay and Adam came to life not as an ape but as full Human that's accourding to the Quran.


Adam was ( Created) in a perfect state, not through evolution, fully intelligent human being


the successive stages in Quran means the stages of creation in the womb and not what is mistakenly mentioned by the channel.


“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth” [Fussilat 41:53]


I disagree with the conclusions in this video. When Allah (swt) mentions 'selection', he is not talking about natural selection. Rather, he selected the prophets on account of their pious character. Furthermore, when Allah (swt) mentions creating man in stages, he is actually referring to the development of the human embryo and NOT the western evolutionary definition of development in stages.


You've just confirmed it, Allah says "We have indeed created the human in the best erected shape", a clear evidence that Quran refutes the Evolution theory.
Do you know what? Allah say also "we are the ones who have revealed Al-Thikr (Quran) and we are the protectors of it". So if your intention in any way to mislead people by taking advantage of Quran to proof false theories, be sure that you will fail, for Allah is the protector of His own words!
However, trying to link between evolution theory and Quran is a clear confession that that theory is nothing but nonsense and that Quran is the real revelation of God to which you try to link those cheap theories.


Actually choosing abraham and noah and and doesn't mean that he's talking about natural selection!
He's talking about preferring some prophet's that has nothing to do with the evolution theory


The biggest of All
When Allah swears by figs and Olive(referes to Jesus (the Best figs and Olive is in Palestaine ) and the Sinaye Mountains( Moses) and Mecca(Mohammed saw)
Allah swears by the most noble prophets that he made human in Best way!!!


wow, this is unreal.

luring people with good words at the start and then lies about the content of the Quran. unfathomable.


Please think logically. If you say evolution is in agreement with the Holy Quran, then what does it mean for Prophet Adam AS who was the first man ever created? Did he started of as an ape if you believe in evolution theory? Astaghfirullah. May Allah SWT grant us more guidance. This particular video can mislead people


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ (6)


I used to be one of your biggest fans but after watching this video, I am so disappointed and disheartened. I understand that your core intentions are good but under no circumstances are you allowed to insert your own interpretation of a few verses of the Quran and completely ignore other verses in the Quran that clearly describe that man was created not evolved, that the earth shall perish on the day of judgment and hence it is not paradise (in fact, this contradicts with your interpretation of black holes, and that paradise lies beyond black holes, according to you!). You can't ignore the interpretation of the Prophet himself and His companions such as Abdullah Ibn Abbas, for whom the Prophet asked Allah to teach Ibn Abbas the Interpretation of the Quran.
The Quran is a book of signs, not science. Islam does not need you to reconcile every single scientific article with one of its verses to prove it is true.


I was a big fun of the series until I came across this part. It's very wrong to say that human beings evolved while God told us he created Adam as upright man & we're his descendants. How does evolution millions of different species that never undergoes any change. Careful sister!!


You have to learn more about holy Quran before trying to confirm evolution with it


This is definitely the clash and a very big one...

"....And of knowledge you are given very little " (Quran 17:85)


Be very careful about taking information about Islam from non-Muslims. Whether intentional or not there are many errors in this vid. It is described how Adaam (AS) was created. The lowest point on earth is the Dead Sea not in Ethiopia.


This is a weird tafseer to quran all vedios were excellent this one is a big mess most evolutionists don't believe in creator.this is a big clash


This is wrong interpretation of the quran


Dear lady, you should review your knowledge about this video.
We know your making a mistake but please restudy, hope Allah will guide you for the right perception.


This group may be enemy of Quran who gave some good vedioes to get support and win hearts so that they can instill wrong idea by that leadership they build...
