Why YOU Should Become an Airline Pilot!

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These are some reasons why I love being an airline pilot. Keep in mind, these are reasons that are personal to me. Everyone has individual things that they love about the industry. Check out the link to Airline Pilot Central below to find more information about individual airlines to research things that are most important to you.

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Dm me on Instagram if you have any other questions! @flywithgarrett
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Student pilot here. Thank you for this. My training has gotten “mundane” and it can be overwhelming sometimes to where I’m like “gosh I don’t even want to go in why am I doing this” I gotta see the bigger picture. This is my dream✈️


I've been in piloting school for a month now, and man, the learning curve is rough. But every single time I went back up in the air to fly, it kept motivating me to push through it. Videos like this are really getting me more excited to get to this position of airline pilot, especially since it's been a dream job of mine since I was a kid.


Just had a United Aviate interview last week. Hopefully, I get accepted.


Great video. I have been a pilot for 30 years, and an International Gulfstream Captain since 2012. My son is getting ready to head to ATP for flight training soon. I feel like the sooner he can get in the pipeline, the better. As much as I enjoy flying corporate, there's no denying that the airlines have some massive benefits, especially if you have the years to give. It's a great time to be a pilot.


I'm in 9th grade and I really wanna be a pilot when I graduate. This has really helped narrow down my choices. Thanks! 😁


I am a newly high school senior planning on pursuing aviation so these videos are perfect timing


Bout to be 16 and just did my first exploratory flight and I just loved being in the air so much I can't wait to start lessons



0:00 - Intro


0:16 - Schedule Flexibility

2:17 - Seat Aailability

3:13 - Flexibility

4:06 - Love of Aviation

5:05 - Pay

7:33 - Unique Experiences


Just got my instrument rated and it was tough, watching these videos help keep the motivation


Im 13 years old by the moment, and ive been investigating some things about being a pilot, mostly cuz I love airplains and flying and i respect you so much ‼️


Cannot wait to get through all the training and get this career change rolling. Airline pilot central stays open in my browser just looking at all the new updates on pilot rates 😂😂

Thanks for all the info!


Have a discovery flight planned for this weekend so I'm getting ready to start my own journey. Super excited to take that first step towards my dream!


I'm really happy to be seeing you do these types of videos again! You were the first pilot that I started watching when I decided that I want to follow my dream and seeing you progress and what you have overcome is so awe inspiring! Thanks Garrett :)


High school grads can be pilots now, so even truck drivers are becoming pilots. The industry will be flooded to the point that wage growth will be minimal in the coming years. There has been a recent bump in wages due to the more pilots retiring, but that's over now.


Getting my commercial ticket now and this gave me a lot of motivation to keep going after it...appreciate u sir


I'm in the UK and things are very different over here. Especially with budget carriers it can be very difficult to get a day off when you want one and the amount of seniority you have makes no difference whatsoever. The pay is a lot less than $100 an hour for FO - halve that figure and you'll be about right. There are no or negligible staff travel concessions unless you make it to the likes of BA.
I'm not trying to rain on your parade Garrett and I really enjoy your videos and I would agree that being an airline pilot has many plus points but I think it's important that guys this side of the pond go into the career with their eyes open. It's not until they are able to graduate to the likes of BA or Emirates that they will see terms and conditions approaching those in the USA that you mention.


Man this sounds awesome! I’m 15 right now and I’m thinking about lots of job opportunities because I want to have a successful and happy future, I’m definitely going to do more research on airline piloting as a job alongside some others. Have a good day!


Can you do a video talking about the schooling process of becoming a pilot?


Waiting for my CFII Checkride. Was suppose to be today, but the dpe was a no show! started watching garrett beggining of last year.


great video, garrett. super insightful to see the QOL at the airlines. i’m about 2 months into flight school. about to do my first solo long distance flight