Mow Your Bee Yard Without getting stung NO ANGRY HONEY BEES no bee suit

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In this video, I share how I mow my honey bee yard without a bee suit and without being stung!
That's right, it's electric. By using an electric push mower, no grass gets discharged on the landing boards, no puffs of hot smoke form the exhaust, no gas powered motor vibrating the ground around the hives. Just the purr of the electric motor and the swoosh of the grass cutting blade. No hearing protection required.
Electric Mowers and Electric String Trimmers are your best grounds-grooming friends when it comes to the bee yard. It's just like walking through.
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That's right, it's electric. By using an electric push mower, no grass gets discharged on the landing boards, no puffs of hot smoke form the exhaust, no gas powered motor vibrating the ground around the hives. Just the purr of the electric motor and the swoosh of the grass cutting blade. No hearing protection required.
Electric Mowers and Electric String Trimmers are your best grounds-grooming friends when it comes to the bee yard. It's just like walking through.
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