Myanmar's ethnic cleansing plays into terrorist rhetoric

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An estimated third of Burma''s Rohingya Muslims have been forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh in what the UN Secretary-General bluntly calls "ethnic cleansing".
A year ago, when she did attend the U-N General Assembly for the first time since becoming Burma''s de-facto leader. Aung San Suu Kyi promised to work towards finding a solution for the Rohingyas. So far, her expressed compassion for the plight of Rohingyas is second-hand.

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I think the new Myanmar leader should have done more to stop the ethnic cleansing of those innocent civilian Rohingya. I remember when she was in trouble with the military and trying to gain control, she presented herself as such a humane, and kind, and loving individual, now that's he's in charge in Mayanmar, why isn't she doing more, why she allowing this crime against humanity to continue.


Why should Myanmar accept rohingyas that nobody recognise as a race or country. It is like saying I am a palestinians without a state in israel because I did not recognise Israel and now Palestine is no longer a country and palestian have lost their homeland because palestine is no more.
