Laufey - Letter To My 13 Year Old Self (Official Lyric Video With Chords)

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Lyric Video by Sasha Guimaraes

Don’t you worry ‘bout your curly hair
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Voices echo in the gym, another girls had her first kiss
Please don’t think too much of it, darling

I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Of big blue eyes and long blond hair and boys that stare

But baby know that

You'll grow up and
Grow so tough and
Charm them
Write your story
Fall in love a little too
The things you thought you’d never do

I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know
Know that she’s beautiful

Keep on going with your silly dream
Life is prettier than it may seem
One day you’ll be up on stage, little girls will scream your name
The days of tears and failure fears and no one cares

Will all make sense cuz

You'll grow up and
Grow so confident and
Write your story
Fall in love a little too
The things you thought you’d never do

I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know
Know that she’s beautiful
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My daughter had me listen to this song, she’s going to me 18 soon. My girls sitting with me as we listen to it. I look over they’re all in tears. My heart is completely broken so we sit and cry and hold each other. Thank you for this beautiful gift.


“I’m so sorry that they pick you last” bawling my eyes out out of this line


I am probably not the target audience for this song (a 16 y/o guy) but I really appreciate this song.
For these past few years, I have had a bad image of myself, (gotten so bad that I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror) and stopped listening to music. When I was 15 I decided to listen to music again and Laufey is one of the five artists I appreciate.
Back to the song, it is the first one to actually make me cry. I can feel the emotion in the lyrics and somewhat relate to them. Though I may not have a unique name and not a girl, I was picked last, annoyed by the popular group, and just didn’t feel in place, and this song made the questions and worries about my future feel less preeminent and comforts me to know that I will be okay and I shouldn’t worry too much. THANK YOU LAUFEY FOR ALL YOU DO! HAVE A VERY LAUFEY DAY EVERYONE!


that "darling" is so soft and emotional, it's like a mother singing to her child or an older sibling, telling it's gonna be okay. that single word holds so many power and emotion, i cry every single time i hear it


Ngl I cried when I first listened to this, I'm fourteen. I've talked to my guidance counselor before but she really never made me feel like this one did. It was like a warm hug by an angel, telling me everything would be okay. Idk how she did it, but she definitely put something special in this song. Love you, laufey.


Thank you for this Laufey! 13 year old me would have really liked to hear this and maybe would have appreciated herself better if she had. Yet another win for the healing sad child in all of us.


This song is absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking. It hits so close to home. Especially being the "weird" or "ugly" girl growing up. I wasn't picked on often, but I wasn't talked to either. I'm 17 now and your music is just amazing <3


I'm thirteen years old, and even though I am young, I relate to a lot of this song. And I want to say to you Laufey, thank you, you are such an amazing soul, and you have helped me through some difficult times. I love you ♥


To all the 13 year olds listening to this please never let anything hold you back. One day you'll grow up and realize things like being cool or being liked by everyone isn't important. Just be yourself always and be proud of who you are even when you feel like no one else is because you'll come to realize that the only thing that really matters is what you think of yourself. Don't let opportunities pass you by because of fear or lack of confidencem Life doesn't have to be so stressful we make it stressful. Life is simple, love yourself first then love those who love you and even those who don't so you can fill your life with love and gratitude as that is 1000× better than filling it with hate. You are awesome


The best advice I have for any child is this. This might not be the highlight of your life like you've been told. I was a very angry and confused kid. I'm autistic and I was alone a lot in school up until late high school. Funnily enough, I always felt normal and like everyone else was odd. I spent more time trying to talk to teachers than students. I was never really allowed to be myself at home, so it felt like there just wasn't a lot of space for me. It doesn't matter what all happened to me, but it is worth noting that there were some really horrible and awful things that I endured. I remember hearing the old cliché about how "you need to enjoy childhood, because it's so stressful when you grow up." That phrase killed several of my friends before the end of high school. I've been to more child funerals than adults. I spend a lot of time thinking about the friends I lost and how beautiful they were. They didn't even get to see what life would be like without their awful parents or school bullies. Both are temporary problems. One of my best friends died because of her dad's abuse. But if she waited one more year, she wouldn't have had to see him ever again. The world has changed so much in 12 years and she'll never know how. Every year she feels like more of a dream and it makes me sick. A lot of kids don't really have a childhood that can be savored. And when you're told that THIS is as good as it gets, the idea of living longer is terrifying. The reality is that you don't know where you'll be. Maybe it will be worse and maybe it will be better. For me, I live in a trailer park. I'm physically disabled at 28 years old. I have a severe memory condition. I live alone.

I am the happiest person I know. I have the full freedom to be exactly who I want to be. "Find solace in the privilege to pursue." is my motto. I have 9 close friends that I see regularly. I blame the autism. I'm weird and honest and people love it. I have more luck romantically than anyone I know. My girlfriend thinks the sun shines out of my *** even though again I live in a trailer park and can barely work. I repaired the relationship with my mother and we're able to hang out in a healthy way now. My father has been forgiven, but I don't let him around me anymore. My childhood abuser is genuinely afraid of me now. The point is, that I am incredibly happy. I live in a cozy little house where no one yells at me. I get to run around climbing trees and playing video games still. I imagined myself alone and miserable with a bunch of money when I grew up and I'm pretty happy with what I got instead. You might be reading this and thinking that my life not sound fun. But that's important. You don't need a ton of stuff to be happy. Sometimes freedom and safety is more than enough. That "happiness comes from within" crap is absolutely true.


i cannot be the only one that cried about the lyrics?


I sobbed. The young girl inside me sobbed harder. This song is so beautiful. Its perfect. It feels like a teary eyed hug.


As a girl who was the “weird girl” in elementary school, this song hits so hard. Thank you


I'm 17, yet this touched my heart so deeply. To you who's listening to this right now and especially to those who can relate, Laufey hears us and I hope you can embrace who you are. I love who you are even if you don't know me. Protect your sparkle and grow into an exquisite like a cherry blossom tree... you are loved and heard, I'm so proud of you.


I wasn't 13 a long time ago (I'm 15) but I find this so relatable as I'm slowly learning to love myself and even though I have a lot ahead of me I really think that if I could send something to the younger me, I'd send her this song.


[Verse 1]
Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Voices echo in the gym
Another girl's had her first kiss
Please don't think too much of it, darling

[Verse 2]
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
But, baby, know that

You'll grow up
And grow so tough and charm them
Write your story, fall in love a little too
The things you thought you'd never do
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful

[Verse 3]
Keep on going with your silly dream
Life is prettier than it may seem
One day, you'll bе up on stage
Little girls will scream your namе
The days of tears and failure fears
And no one cares
Will all make sense, 'cause

You'll grow up
And grow so confident, and
Write your story, fall in love a little too
The things you thought you'd never do
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful



I swear, every lyrics hit so hard. If I could go back, I’d wrap my arms around myself and say, “You are more than enough, and you deserve all the good things."


Just discovered Laufey today
🎶💖🎶 Binge listening/ sobbing
to every song. Guess I REALLY needed some music therapy!! Thank you!! Lush gorgeous voice and spellbinding acoustic guitar...
Just what the doctor ordered ☺️


I'm thirteen and currently on my journey of identity and self-healing and this song is what I wish i could to me at 6y-12. I'm honestly so surprised and proud of the fact I didn't choose suicide as a course of action during my depressed/insecure era! I know now God has something bigger foe me and everyone out there. SO, no matter what age you are don't stop climbing that mountain because i asure you that once you get to the top it'll be all worth it. ❤❤❤


Im a 12year old lauver but i feel like laufey is singing this to me, i love you so much laufey, you healed me with your songs:) ive been a fan since the valentines era and u helped me to move on to those guys i liked and to the toxic friends i lost :)
