ANXIETY and TENSION HEADACHES - Explained & How You find Relief -

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Tension headaches are a very common anxiety symptom and for some they can be very scary.
For those of you with health anxiety these headaches can be of concern when your mind tries to convince you that they are a symptom of a more serious illness such as a stroke, brain cancer or brain aneurysm .
it is important to know that stress is actually the number one reason for headaches. As we with anxiety issues are under tremendous amounts of stress almost throughout the day it is no wonder that so many of us suffer from all kind of headaches.
A tension headache is most commonly described as a dull pain that causes pressure in your head which can affect a very specific are of the head such the back of your head or behind the eyes or be a very general pain. Some describe as if your head is being squeezed tightly or that you have a tight band around the head.

in this video I am going to explain the connection between stress and these dreadful tension headaches.

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Wow, I got so much relief from reading the comments and realising I’m not alone. Sometime feel trapped in my own mind constantly worrying when I should be living my life


Thank you. Whatever everyone is going through we’ll get through this. We’re here because we’re seeking change, and we will find it


I always pray at night. Praying that when anxiety attacked I always say god please give me Peace of mind and overcome all the stress I am dealing. 🙏


Health anxiety, man that was refreshing! I have accumulated so much PTSD over the years because of health anxiety. I honestly cant count how many times I've thought i was seconds from death. Praying and trying to make peace with the situation. Even though i would get through it every time, I found myself in the exact state just a couple days later.
Great video.
Knowledge is powerful.


Thank you so MUCH for including the health anxiety. Its so real and scary and frustrating. Instead of just jumping into dealing with a headache, you start stressing EVEN MORE worrying about it being the beginning of the end.
This was tremendously helpful 💜


thank you JESUS Anxiety drawled me closer to you at first it was hard and still is sometimes but I know you will never leave me another promise of yours that is true lifting everyone up struggling with anxiety to you in JESUS name


I thought I had a tumor... THANK YOU for this. I’ve been really anxious and scared lately thinking that I might have cancer, so I’ve rarely been sleeping because of this thought. and now having a new perspective and knowing what it probably is I feel 1000 times better:) thanks to this video I’ll sleep well for the first time in months.


Do you also wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and have racing thoughts making you scared of having panic attack?


These videos are so helpful to those of us suffering this horrible disorder. You explain it the best I have ever heard. Your videos are more helpful than the therapy I went through when this all began. You are awesome!!


So important to distract your mind and focus on goals. Anxiety comes from too much time on hand. You have too much time to think and it causes your head to hurt. Just go out and do whatever it is that makes you anxious. You have to fight through it and realize that it won't hurt you. You need to be happy living in the moment and not worrying about the future.


One of my favorite channels. I swear you explaining my whole life. I found you through my bouts with health anxiety


ve had a constant pressure headache for 4-5 Years, Was missdiagnosed for years, all started with a panic attack back then. I went into doing sport, exercising etc muscle streching. If you have this pressure headache in your face behind eyes or whereever and you cant seem to solve it and your scared of it and you think this will never go away, IT WONT GO away. Stop doing things to make it go away. Dont matter how uncomfortable it is in the moment, dont try to make it go away or fight it mentally. Just let it be, see it as adrenaline burning itself out day by day. It will get less and less, u will loose the fear of it. Dont fear it, pressure headaches that persist chronically are nothing but just a symptom of an anxious mind. I wouldnt ever believe it before aswell, that anxiety can create this symptom permanently but once u actually accept ur headache and live with it and dont try to fear it, it actually keeps decreasing ur fear keeps decreasing. Its not a linear route to heal, u will have up and downs but with time less downs


I had a really bad tension headache and so I went to the massage therapist and got a massage and felt like a new person💪


This is me exactly 😢 I’ve suffered with an anxiety disorder since the loss of my beautiful little boy, he passed away in my arms, it has had a massive impact on my life, as soon as I get any kind of symptom I immediately panic thinking I’m going to die, this may sound ridiculous to some people but it’s how his death has affected me, I have crippling tension headaches which come with many other anxiety symptoms because the frighten me so much.


You just saved my life. This is what I have been suffering since 16 and doctors could not identify it.


this is what im feeling right now, i feel some pressure in right of my head and my anxiety is attacking me thinking i have brain tumor but i trust God


I noticed, walking home from my class in the hot sun really helped my muscles become less tense. It's weird. I'll take this as a sign that I need to hit the treadmill. I to get rid of these headaches.


Thank you so much. I have suffered this in vain for over 20 years without knowing. I am being wrong the world seeking solutions for the tense pain/headaches on the right side of my head. I usually complained that my head felt being tightened with a bad. I came to discover that stress and lack of sleep made this worse. Lastly, I was not an exercise person recently I started working out and my mood and head pain felt better. You just opened my eyes.


During the lockdown my stress levels were gradually increasing and almost two months ago I had a panic attack. After that I started feeling strange sensations in my head. Initially I had waves flowing around in my head. Then the pressure settled in back of my head and from there it would travel to different areas. Right now I have pressure settled in at the top of my head which comes and goes. I also had burning sensations like someone has put a cigarette to my head, although I get it occasionally now.
Strangely the pressure is not felt when I am focusing on my work. Doing running and gym relieves the pressure temporarily. I am trying to be positive through this difficult period.


I love seeing all these comments they calm me down just know we well all get over These
