Get Started with APRS for only $30!

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UPDATE: Please click on the annotation to visit +SurvivalTech's video response on improving this design. I have received some criticism here in the comments on my design as it is a bit too simplistic to be used on the APRS network.

I explain my basic setup for APRS which uses a Baofeng UV-5R HT and Android phone running APRSdroid and test it by shipping it to Indiana!
For more information:

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Still can't understand why are there so many dislikes in this video. Awesome information. Thank you.


Please click on the annotation to visit SurvivalTech's video response on improving this design. I have received some criticism here in the comments on my design as it is a bit too simplistic to be used on the APRS network.


Very cool! Remember that UV-5R has a nice extended life battery. Thanks for the video. Enjoyed it very much.


Strangely, I cannot reply to some of the comments on this video. If you ask me a question and I don't reply to you and you see me replying to others who posted after you, try sending me a message here on YouTube with your question!


I got on APRS with just a $50 investment. I already had a Baofeng. (Doesn't everybody?) 

I could have made my own cable and bought a Tracfone off eBay for $25, but I went ahead and bought the $20 cable and $30 Tracfone off Amazon. You don't need to activate the Tracfone for cell service to get it to work, and after I configured it, I turned off wi-fi.

After deleting and reinstalling the software about five times, it now works great. (My guess is that my initials problems had to do with the Tracfone and not APRSdroid.)

If you have an iPhone, you can send packets over RF, but receiving packets over RF is very difficult. Good iPhone apps are, PocketPacket, and PulseModem A. Stay away from APRSpro. You can use PocketPacket to send packets over RF and use to map incoming data over wi-fi. If you need to both send and receive over RF, an Android device is the only way to go.

If you have cell service and don't care about bypassing the RF mode, you can get all the features of APRS just with your cell phone.


Still trying to think of one reason why I would want to broadcast my exact location to the world.


Great Video. This what HAM is about. On the Baofeng UV-5R there is a busy channel lockout. Menu 23, BCL - Busy channel lockout – prevents transmitting when a channel is busy. 73


Cool experiment. The very spirit of amateur radio.


Love this video.. certainly the simplest aprs setup I've ever seen on youtube.


One thing I have notices is that when the radio is plugged into a Wall Wart or into an auxiliary power port in the car, the TX starts even when APRSDroid is off or not TX to the radio. As long as the radio is running on battery it is fine.

Perhaps when the radio is running on something other than the battery, a PTT circuit should/may be need?

Any input would be great!


Stop hating on him that sound is not bad u guys are making it worse than it needs to be


HI guys
I think the biggest problems are
1. The Speaker cable is only connected to one the radio Mic input. This means APRSDroid will never hear anything.
2. The second problem is using VOX, because the radio will transmit anything it hears from the smartphone even when APRSDroid is running. It will transmit a phone call, it will transmit an alarm, it will transmit a low battery notification, ...
3. Not being able to control or reset the APRSDroid software remotely, means if there is a problem with transmit "stuck on" for example, this tracker will be blocking the APRS frequency wherever it is, until the batteries die.

In my video I explain these problems provide solutions, and show you my very similar APRS setup with APRSDroid and a cheap bluetooth TNC which works not only as a tracker, but as a full APRS station like the TH-D72 or VX-8R, UI-View, or Xastir with dynamic mapping, station info, and full features, for not much more money, and none of the problems of setting up this way.
73's from Finland


Thanks for the comment! I actually go to Rose-Hulman. Check out my blog (link is in the description) for some of my other ham radio stuff!


That audio cable won't work with Samsung phones because it only has 3 contacts on the phone end and will short out the mic input.  To work properly you need a plug with 4 rings or contacts the same as with an iPhone. Adapter cables can be purchased from places like Deal Extreme or you can make one using the plug off an old headset.


gonna repeat the project with the UV5R & phone hooked up to a powerbank?


i filled out the password form 6 months ago and the devs have not responded with any passcode...


Am I able to use my programming cable to do it with or does it have to be with the audio cable?


Before everything i need to tell you that im complete amateur about any electronics. I wanted to make high altitude balloon project, and my question is. can i use this to monitor altitude, and will it work on 20-30k kilometers above? Sorry for my not-perfect english. Thanks


Really cool. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! Vy 73


Loved the video. I had my phone hooked up to my Wouxun within the first few minutes. Thanks for the tip - I should have a permanent installation in the car soon. 73, ZS6IO
