Forgive Me God, Change Me | Start Living Guilt Free

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True repentance comes from the heart.

Christian Motivation

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►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers.


⬛Footage licensed through: Artgrid
⬛ Music licensed through Audiojungle

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If you are a backslider and reading this, God has already brought you thus far, he wants you to stay with him he wants you to repent of your sins and come to him, just asked for for forgiveness and he will do the rest God bless you.


You may have fallen, back slide, worried, feared, have anxiety, depression, sinned, failed. But just know you are not forgotten, you are loved, appreciated, wonderfully made, beautiful, worthy, unique, conqueror, survivor, warrior, and much more. God will never leave nor forsake you. Never give up on your hope or your dreams. Put God in everything that you do. God will make a way when their seems to be no way. Trust, have faith, believe, pray and obey and God will give you more than what your heart desires. Everything in life happens for a reason, purpose and a season. Keep on praying. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I sometimes feel unsaveable. I've never murdered with my flesh, but I've surely murdered in my heart. I've never slept with a married woman, but I've surely committed adultery with her in my heart. I've repented in the past, but temptation crouched at my door and I invited sin in again. And the cycle repeated. Lord, please grant me true repentance. Please change my heart so I don't lust after women, so I don't feel envy towards the rich and powerful, so I don't turn to the people of my past that the Devil laid before my path and sin with them once again. Please Lord, find mercy for me. Your grace is infinite, please look upon my lowly self with love and not wrath. In Jesus' name, amen.


Whoever is reading this I pray God will heal whatever is hurting you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ AMEN and AMEN!!!🙏♥️


Lord, thank you for Dinner.
Lord, thank you for a place to lay my head.
Lord, thank you for covers.
Lord, thank you for clothes to wear.
Lord, thank you for fans.
Lord, thank you for a shower that works.
Lord, thank you for a toilet that works.
Lord, thank you for air conditioning.
Lord, thank you for sight.
Lord, thank you for air.
Lord, thank you hearing.
Lord, thank you for tasting.
Lord, thank you for a brain that works.
Lord, thank you for thought.
Lord, thank you for memories.
Lord, thank you for that breeze on a hot Summer day.
Lord, thank you for family.
Lord, thank you for friends.
Lord, thank you for communion.
Lord, thank you for the gift of forgiveness.
Lord, thank you for the gift of repenting.
Lord, thank you for love.
Lord, thank you for a vehicle that runs.
Lord, thank you for money in the bank.
Lord, thank you for shoes without holes.
Lord, thank you for providing a place to wash my clothes.
Lord, thank you for friends that bring me clothes.
I could go ON and ON as my blessings far outnumber anything this world may throw at me. Most of all Thank you Lord for paying the price for me.
Lord, thank you for making it so easy for me.
Lord, thank you for loving me before I entered existence.
Lord thank you for dying for us, big brother I can never pay you back. One day I'll hug you and thank you and
I'll wait until then.


I just lost my job because of the pandemic, as a hotel cook, so i started a youtbube channel .wish me good luck guys .🙏🙏


Yes I will follow the lord I cannot make it anywhere without him


Father help me to forgive those who hurt me have mercy on me oh lord in Jesus name i ask and pray amen🙏🖑🖐🙌🙌🙌


Mighty God cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Remove everything that’s not of you from my heart and replace it with Love. Thank you Jesus 🙏


The same tongue others praising, worshipping, magnify, and glorifying God but using that same tonuge to hurt others, bring others down, cursing, swearing, bringing someone down. We got to be careful how we use our tongue it can effect your spouse, children, family, friends, brothers and sisters. Words can hurt and damage someone else. I am going through this same thing with my family. But one thing I know is God loves and understands me. It hurts but God's comfort matters the most and what God says about me. I know who I am in the Lord.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I am a soldier of god I have been blessed with the armour of God, recently someone very close to me stole from me, instead of getting angry I reminded myself that god haz forgiven me so Instead of lashing out even though I waz extremely angry I chose to forgive this person straight away. Some people do things without thinking about others and how their greed can have consiqunces. Only God can judge us, so me forgiving this person will only make me reach out to our divine creator and humbly pray that he may take my anger away and give me the strength to forgive. I say these words in all that iz sacred holy and true in Jesus name I pray amen. 🙏🏽


Change me GOD & FORGIVE me of my sins🙏.. AMEN


Yes forgive me for all that I have done in this life. I am surrendering everything to you without holding nothing. Thank you Lord for your love, grace, mercy, and salvation. Thank you Lord for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. Thank you Jesus for picking me up when I was down out and lost. I know what you have done for me and what you have brought me through. Thank you Jesus. Words are lost for me right now.🙏🙏🙏💞😭😭😢😢😪


Jesus I dont want to betray you, I will always love you and trust you. What ever I have achieved in this life is through your help and guidance. Amen


Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins, and the blood of Jesus makes you whole.


Please cleanse me God from all my unrighteousness, all of my sinful ways and actions. Oh God thank you for your mercy and grace that I don’t deserve. Bless your name. Please forgive me for my sins!


I humbly ask your forgiveness for my sins, clean and wash me with your blood, more of You, less of me, in Jesus name Amen


God forgive me lord for the mistake that l have done before l give my life to you lord amen


Let's ask for God mercy and to help us forgive 🙏


I am not good enough to be the dust of Jesus’s feet. Thank you god Jehovah for all blessings in my life.
