Sewing on a Shoestring: 24 Dollar Tree Notions You Can't Resist!

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#dollartreefinds #budgetsewing
Here are some finds from Dollar Tree if you're new to sewing and don't want to spend much at first - or you just appeciate a deal!

Find all these here:

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You can also find these tools in the list below:
My favorite sewing notions:

Fitting books I use:

My everyday machines:
Pfaff 2140, no longer made but fabulous machine. Check eBay.

72" x 30" basic table, white base with bamboo top

Stuff I use to film:
📷 / 📱 iPhone 12 Pro Max

I love Audible for my audiobooks.


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Please leave your suggestions below for your favorite "notions" from Dollar Tree!


I always enjoy a good Dollar Tree notions video! I use the Jot scissors for cutting paper and such in my sewing/craft room. I'll use a heavier utility scissor for cutting zippers, plastic and vinyl. My KAI scissors are only used on fabric!!! 😊 The little rotary cutting boards are great for putting between your fabric and pattern pieces when you need to punch out hole on the pattern piece so you can mark your fabric with an erasable pen. You can cut the boards down to 3"x3" pieces, getting several from 1 cutting board. Round the corners (give them a slight filing with a DT nail file to smooth) and they are ready for using to protect your fabric when poking holes in pattern pieces! I have a ba-zillion plastic bins in blue and green to keep various sewing projects materials together like quilt patterns and fabrics, garment fabrics and patterns, along with all the necessary thread, zippers, buttons, etc. They make excellent project bins and the side vents allow fabric to breathe and not mildew. LOVE 'EM!!! They stack well and don't fall over like zipper-lock bags. In the pet aisle, you can buy a dog leash and use the strap for bags and hardware for bag making and such. The glasses section has cords for hanging your glasses around your neck, and the cord can be used for making button loops for garments and bags, as can the hair elastics in the beauty aisle. In the stationary section, you can buy computer banner paper and use it for project pattern pieces (instead of taping together printer paper). And kids scribble pads (news print paper pads) are great for anything you need scrap paper for in a craft/sewing room. I recently bought a role of medical tape at DT to use as removeable tape, but it doesn't release cleanly or easily. Bummer. The plastic bathroom trash cans are great for putting in several areas in the sewing room for fabric scraps, threads, plastic wrappers, etc. And I use non-metallic pipe cleaners for getting into the small crevasses deep inside my sewing machine. They work great grabbing and hanging onto lint so you can get it out of your machine bed. I recently found and purchased a wrist pin cushion in the crafters section. Identical ones are 3x more expensive on Amazon or Temu. It has a hard backing, so the pins won't go all the way through the pin cushion and into your wrist. Ouch! Those are my DT sewing/crafting notions!


Hi Jen, Did you know I always check for your new video only to hear your prayer at the end- Thank you. I truly needed your prayer today! 💕


Great tips Jen. I found chop sticks at dollar tree. I use them for poking corners. I use the ponytail holders in place of rubber bands…they tend not to get gummy. I find parchment paper and wax paper for pattern tracing and pattern hacking. SOME of the scotch type tape…. Works great and inexpensive for pdf patterns…. Some are difficult to cut. Many of the items also make great pattern weights. Loved today’s prayer card. ❤


I haven’t been to the dollar tree in a while. I’m definitely going to have to give it a visit.


In 2020 when Covid hit, I actually picked up sewing again and picked up a lot of the same notions!!! Ty for this video! ❤


how wonderful to know that you give the Word at every video. I commend you. to God be the glory!


Thank you for all the fun ideas. Also, for wonderful idea for asking for God's help. God bless you. 😊❤❤


The gift boxes are so fun to use. For instance, i have one box for safety pins, and I glued one pin to the top of the lid so I’ll know what’s in it.


I’m going for a diagnostic mammogram tomorrow and have been feeling pretty uneasy about it. I found some nodules in my left breast. (I had stage 0 breast cancer back in 2012. I chose to just have a lumpectomy. )Drs wanted me to have radiation or mastectomy. I chose to only have the lump removed.

Thanks for your prayer card. It’s giving me Gods promise of peace. So glad I watched this tonight. This prayer card was for me I believe. ✝️❤️


Love your ideas.. I use the pens and brush holder to hold all of my scissors. This is my favorite!


Hairspray takes ink out of fabric. Great ideas!!!!😊


Hi Jen, I have the rotary cutter mat and the markers. What fun at Dollar Tree!😅


Glue sticks are great when matching under arm seams and crotch seams. You don't have to sew over or move pins that cause the fabric to shift. They are also great for tacking seam allowances on slippery fabrics.


Thank you, Jen for these helpful ideas for organization and storage. I purchased several smaller size containers that have dividers in them to organize my huge button collection. Then I labeled the top with the colors. Now I don't have to rummage through a huge container when I only need one button!


Love the turn tables. All great ideas, thanks for sharing.


I have the small cutting mat and the small rotary cutter from Dollar Tree! I use them in my small to-go zipper craft bag for when I travel to my daughter's appointments. I sit in the waiting room (she is almost 23 years), I cut Hexies paper shapes and fabric shapes while sure is in her appointments!! They both are great!!!


Wow… came here for just a supply list, and left tearing up from the scripture you read. Thank you 😊 ❤
I’m definitely gonna subscribe!


I gotta make one of those lazy susans. Inise mypen/brish holder you gave me all the time. Its become a necessity in the sewing room. Havent been to dollar tree in a long time. Looks like theyve gotten some fun stuff I need to check out!


Loved this, great items for crafting.
A lady who sews in days of old was called a seamstress. ❤
