Qur'an (6:74-94) | Surah al-An'am (Idrees Abkar)

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mashallah he recites sooo so soothing they way he recites


اللهم اغفر لنا و ارحمنا.. و اغفر لأمي و راحمها و ارزقها جنة الفردوس


سبحان الله
Unique & Mind-blowing Recitation.


MashAllah.i listen this recitation many times in a day.


Look how historically accurate The Qur'an is !

From Verse 76 to 80, Allah talks about Khalil Allah Ibrahim AS and the star, the Moon and the Sun.

Before this story, he is in his home town of Ur in Ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia). Here he tackled The Idols. There was a story of him chopping the idols with an axe and leaving it near the biggest idol (probably Marduk) while everyone was at a festival. The next day when people were wondering what happened. Khalil Allah (Ibrahim AS) said : "Ask the big one. The axe is near him."
The people said : "How can we ask that idol, it cannot talk"

Khalil Allah said: "Then why do you worship that which cannot interact with you ?"

After this he left Ur with his wife Sarah and NabiAllah Lut (AS) and the believers and travelled around Ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia). He then came to a place (Harran) where people worshipped three main gods:

Utu/Shamash (Al Shams) The Sun God
Sin/Ensu (Al Kamera) The Moon God
Inana/Ishtar, Nirnurta or Nergal (Al Kowkab) The Planet/Star Gods of Venus, Saturn and Mars

This is where the story of Khalil Allah Ibrahim AS and the star, the Moon and the Sun begins.

When it was night, The Star or The Planet Venus/Saturn/Mars appeared. Khalil Allah said to teach the people of Harran:
"Is this my Lord ?"

(Note: Kowkab means Celestial Object. It can mean both Star and Planet. In this case it is referring to The Planet most probably Venus or Ishtar)

When it disappeared, he said: "I love (Worship) not those that disappear."

Then he saw The Moon (Sin) and said : "Could this be my Lord ?"

When it set Khalil Allah said:
"By this point if my Lord doesn't guide me, I will become of the lost"

Then he saw The Sun (Shamash/Al Shams) and said: "This is greater and brighter, is this my Lord?"

After it set Khalil Allah Ibrahim AS said to The People of Harran:
"Oh my people, I am free of what you worship"

It's amazing how when the Quran was written all this information was lost on top of that this knowledge was found just recently

Subhan Allah


Jazak, this vid helped me a lot in school :)
