All The Detail - Limit Points: The Secret to Reading Corners

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I've made several videos about limit points before (links below), but this one goes into much more detail. Once you understand how to read them, limit points will tell you everything you need to know about a corner before you get there.

Learn the secrets in this video!

Previous limit point videos:

Emergency braking video:

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Another belter. One thing that shocked me on my advanced car course was learning about all the information that is painted on the roads, warning signs, marker posts (red and white) and what they tell you. Once you start to see this info, and understand how to interpret it - you can drive 'like a local' on roads youve never driven. Maybe a video on that. Things like throw back arrows and what is likely to happen to the tightness of the road for example.... the spacing of white lines and how that can often indicate more caution and how 'less white paint' often tells you the road is about to open up. I was amazed that in all my years prior to my advanced driving course, id never been taught it.


From before I even got my licence, to now, you've immensely helped me to become a better driver. Thank you for more knowledge!


Excellent video Reg. Would be great if this sort of content were recommended to people when they pass their driving tests.


Very good indepth video Reg. One thing I am surprised that wasn't mentioned is not just being able to stop in the distance you see to be clear but making it a least double the distance to take into account oncoming traffic especially on either narrow roads or very tight corners. Such situations are where less experienced drivers are more likely to be inadvertently on your side of the road and travelling straight at you well inside the limit point. Far too many drivers - perhaps even the majority - take corners on narrow roads at a far too fast a speed with no contingency to stop in time for oncoming vehicles.


Great video. My dad was an advanced driving instructor, so from a young age i been learning these skills, but sadly he passed away in 2016, but one thing i miss is him sitting in the van with me and guiding me when he noticed i needed a refresh of a skill, and thats so important, its not just learning the skill, its keep updating and refreshing the skill.
yesterday (sunday 23rd july) i went on my second ride i have ever done in 17years of riding motorbikes, we left from Kirkcaldy Kawasaki and went to Powmill to meet more bikers, and then up to Tyndrum and then Oban. it took all my skills to keep up with the experienced bikers on way to powmill, on a road i had never been on before, but the limit point video i watched of yours last week was a great refresh and let me judge the corners better than a younger self. the other important part was ride my own ride, keep myself safe. the lead rider who organised it said i did well to keep up with their pace, as well as i was on a 650cc and they on 1000cc bikes.


This is a very skilled advanced driving technique for sure explained very well


Reg wonderful stuff. I am back in Uk after30 years away in Oz. I have binged watched your videos to orientate myself to being home in Scotland. They have been immensely helpful and informative. Thank you my driving up here on the west coast has become safer quicker and more so much more rewarding. Thank you 🙏🦘


Excellent explanation of the limit point Reg.
I regularly drove that road from Orton to Shap in both directions. I was almost driving the car for you.


Hi Reg really enjoyed the video, good to see you again. Looking well.


Finally a car video. I was missing this kind of content. I can always learn something new from it. Love these. Thanks Reg!


Thanks reg for another first class video practised this today on some country roads in Kent really impressed.


Welcome back Reg. A nicely different perspective looking at Limit Point driving. The being able to stop is sadly forgotten by many. The limit point also helps greatly linking and combining bends.


Reg, a big thank you for revisiting this topic but with more in-depth analysis, whilst also utilising a slightly alternate interpretation to convey your knowledge. I often look back at your other videos and find i still pick up on incremental things to learn that complements the learning curve.
I look forward to your upcoming videos, thanks again.


I'm glad you commented on the your position in relation to the centre line. That in combination with the limit point is how I have been driving for years without realising it had science to it. My other half often amazed at how I can carry speed safely while keeping the car comfortable. I blame learning to drive in country lanes and being taught by my dad who used to race bikes.
I'll be watching for the limit points on my way home today and putting more conscious thought into the affect on my driving. Thanks for and interesting video.


Cornering principles and balancing the car in the corner would be a good follow up to this limit point video - corners running down hill and up hill . Was good to watch and a great reminder for me. :)


Thanks. As you said just as relevant for bike riders. One of the best Limit Point explanations I have seen.


Love it as always reg. Anyone wanting a great teacher book some time with reg. Second to none 👍👏


Thanks Reg for this and all you car advanced driving videos. Always clear and concise and they have really improved my driving, whether that’s in the Sprinter van I drive for work or the golf I drive for fun!


Another great video Reg, very informative as usual. Whether I'm on the bike or the in the car the principle is the same. The problem i have had on my bike is I'm not slowing enough when the limit point is moving towards me. Rolling off the throttle, or applying a bit of brake as the limit point moves towards me, then back on the throttle as it moves away again, makes so much sense. I often come out of a bend thinking I didn't need to slow as much as i did. But I have always tried to stick to the saying "slow in, fast out, fast in, sh1t out" So much better to come out of a bend wishing I could have gone faster, than frantically dabbing the rear brake half way round.


Extremely useful video. As a returner to driving after a longish break these help to make me aware of how I should be driving. Thanks.
