Myers Briggs Letters EXPLAINED

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In this letter we look at the MBTI personality system so we can have those pesky Myers Briggs letters explained at last and you can understand their order and logic. The goal here is to actually understand the Myers Briggs system. That way you can work out what your type actually is rather than relying on tests. I am a Myers Briggs INFJ even though I sometimes can type as ENFP or ENFJ on the tests but by understanding the MBTI system I can be sure. So let's dive in so we can finally have those MBTI functions explained at last.
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Perceiving function: 02:14
Judging function: 03:31
Direction of function: 5:35
Meaning of position: 7:48

1: Direction of dominant function
2: Perceiving function
3: Judging function
4: Primary extraverted function


I’m an infj too and hearing your thought process is very much how I find myself diving deep into my own inner world and expressing it out worldly. Great video!


I watched this video with my gf and we both really enjoyed it. Ty


This is some bullshit! Absolutely brilliant video and explanation however! Just couldnt bring myself do the mental gymnastics in order to understand this!

Im off to slap my younger brother! He's playing playstation right now and i havent harrassed him yet today! Might join him and play with him aswell if i feel!

Being an ESFP might have something to do with it!

Keep up the good work brother! Youre a star! Great content!



Cool, so the Feeling is pointed outwards. Great, okay... WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN???

- A fellow INFJ
