Extracellular Vesicle Research: Impact throughout Biomedicine?

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Research Showcase - Extracellular Vesicle Research: Impact throughout Biomedicine?

Why does Extracellular Vesicle research impact on so many areas of Biomedicine?
Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) are tiny fragments of cells that are released from just about every cell type in the human body. Found in all body fluids, this talk will reveal how EVs are being investigated as exciting early diagnostic markers for cancer and infectious disease and possibly even for neurodegenerative diseases. We will explore the “arms race” of host and pathogen-derived EVs in their attempts to act as decoys, to mediate disguise, ward off immune attack and to enhance invasion. Finally, we’ll glance into the future and think about ways EVs are being developed as drug delivery vehicles across a range of diseases.

Session Lead:
Prof. Jameel Inal, School of Human Sciences, London Metropolitan University


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