SpecFlow Selenium C# Tutorial Full Course 2023 | SpecFlow C# Tutorial

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SpecFlow Selenium C# Tutorial Full Course | Spec Flow C# Tutorial | Specflow tutorial for beginner | BDD Framework from Scratch End to End Automation | Testers Talk and Bakkappa N Selenium C# Nunit Tutorials #specflow #seleniumcsharp #bdd #framework

**Specflow BDD complete Automation framework is available in github**

00:00 Specflow Selenium C# Tutorial
00:25 What is Specflow?
00:36 Difference between BDD (Behavior-driven development) and TDD (Test Driven Development)
03:17 Specflow Framework Project Default Structure
04:47 Specflow Github repository
05:25 Specflow Installation in Visual Studio 2022
07:30 How to Create Specflow Project in Visual Studio 2022
09:30 UI Scenario or Test Scenario for automation testing
10:06 How to Create Fetaure file in Visual Studio Specflow project
12:23 How to Create Scenario in Specflow and Gherkin keywords Given When Then And
13:05 How to Implement or Create Step Definitions class in Specflow BDD Automation Framework
15:20 How to Install Selenium WebDriver in Visual Studio
17:14 Write a First Test Script or Automate Test Case using Selenium
18:02 Chrome Browser Opening
18:28 Write a Xpath in Selenium WebDriver
23:00 How to Execute Feature file or Scenario in Specflow project
24:45 How to Generate LivingDoc .html report in specflow bdd framework
30:40 How to add multiple Scenarios in Feature file of Specflow Project
33:45 Specflow C# Tutorial for Beginners
34:00 What are Hooks in Specflow?
35:00 Important Hooks Attributes in Specflow
37:55 Specflow Framework GitHub Repository
39:48 How to Implement Hooks in Specflow Framework?
40:00 How to Create Hooks Class in Specflow Framework?
49:07 How to Build Specflow Project Solution in Visual Studio 2022 | 2019?
49:20 Execute Test Script or Scenario or Feature File in Specflow Framework
50:06 How to Implement Tagged Hooks in Specflow BDD?
51:25 How to Execute Feature File in BDD?
54:03 Specflow C# Tutorial
55:11 Specflow Framework GitHub repository
56:08 How to Install Extent Report in specflow c#
57:35 Create TestResults folder for generating extent report
58:12 Create ExtentReport class in visual studio 2022 specflow project
58:38 Specflow Selenium C# Extent Report Generation
01:03:05 Hooks in Specflow bdd framework
01:13:14 How to Execute Test Scenario specflow selenium?
01:14:46 Specflow Selenium Extent Report Generation
01:22:10 Speclfow tutorial for beginners
01:23:02 How to Take screenshot in Selenium When script failed.
01:34:25 How to Capture screenshot when test script failed in specflow
01:36:07 Add or Attach screenshot into extent report in specflow Selenium C# bdd framework
01:40:01 Verify extent report is generated in specflow automation frameowork
01:41:09 Data Driven Testing in Specflow
01:42:55 Create feature file
01:43:44 Create scenario in specflow
01:45:04 Create step definition class
01:44:22 How to Execute scenario?
01:50:34 Data Driven Testing in specflow using Examples
02:01:07 Data Driven Testing in specflow using Data Tables
02:18:22 Why Page Object Mode (POM) Design Pattern
02:20:46 What is Page Object Model?
02:21:15 Example for Page Object Model Design Pattern
02:23:11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Page Object Model
02:24:59 Specflow selenium c# page object model
02:25:54 Specflow bdd github repository
02:26:37 Specflow selenium c# page object model implementation
02:29:06 specflow Create feature file
02:31:27 Specflow create step definition class.
02:33:39 Create Page object page classes
02:50:25 Assertion in specflow
02:54:27 Execute feature file in specflow bdd
02:55:38 Verify extent report in html report

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Рекомендации по теме

Wow! This is everything I needed to understand E2E tests with Selenium. Thank you so much Bakkappa!


Hello Sir,
Thank you for the amazing c# automation tutorial. After watching your tutorial i learned a lot. I have one request to you. Could you please make a video where specflow-Nunit Framework is used with LATEST VERSION 5 of the Extent report? Please


Hi bakkappa great works
In passed fw days i got a chance to work on specflow bdd nd your video are awesome nd helps me alot


Thank you Bakkappa. Keep up the great job.


thank you sir for the video, the video content is so awesome, In 3 hrs worth full content. Appreciate your good work sir!


Thank you very much, it help me a lot


Thank you, Bakkappa.
Great work.

I have installed Specflow but not showing specflow project while creating a new project.
How to resolve?

Please reply.


In Hooks Tutorial or section, What is IObjectContainer ? What we used that ? also What is RegisterInstanceAs ? Can you please explain that


C# selenium with BDD framework videos are really great. Is it possible to create a video on using common methods like drop down, select, time outs keeping these methods in 1 folder and calling those methods in the class. Where it will reduce the line of code. Is there already video on this? if so please share. If not could you please create one


Great video Bakkappa, have been following your youtube channels for some time now and really appreciate the work you put in to provide all these useful videos.
Thank you!


Bakkappa, I really enjoyed the videos. It gave me a great start on how to use Selenium, SpecFlow and C# together for effective UI testing. One piece of feedback is that the constant flashing "subscribe" and "like" banners take away from the videos. I understand wanting to get folks to subscribe and like, but I think it's more distracting than anything else b/c they are flashing throughout the video and sometimes cover what you're doing on the screen. Other than that, great job!


Hi Bakkappa
Great Video to learn SpecFlow
can you please share RestSharp with specflow video for API Integration testing


Thanks Bakkappa, Your tutorial is simple and easy to understand. I think I am able to tick one more skill by watching this video.

Also I would request you, please let us know incase any other topics we need to look into other than you explained in the video?


Good Work. but, please remove the Like & Subscribe tag with huge texts it is really frustrating.


please also explain the parallel execution of features


Do have any video Configuration (App.config) Could do please suggest me any relavent viedo


What is the difference between LivingDoc and extentreport?


Can we not integrate Screenshots with LivingDoc Reporting?
Why do you use Extent Reports?


Hi Bakkappa,
Can you please share link for API Testing using specflow


what is the purpose of container object ?
