How to Wash Cloth Diapers | My Simple Natural Cloth Diaper Cleaning Routine

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I'm sharing my nine plus years experience on how to wash cloth diapers in an all natural way.  It's a relatively straightforward process and not as gross as you might think! I also share my simple DIY cloth diaper detergent recipe. 

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I have over nine years experience of cloth diapering under my belt, so I may not wash the in the official way, but I know what works for me.

And, let me tell you guys, its NOT complicated.

I must point out that I am the furthest thing from a germaphobe, and not easily grossed out. My cloth diaper cleaning routine is, therefore, pretty laid back. My son is rash free, and comfortable, so I would say its an a-ok approach!

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How to Wash Cloth Diapers
Remove Solids- If the diaper is soiled, hold it by one end and swish it around in a clean toilet to remove solids. If the baby is exclusively breastfed, you can skip this step.
Remove the inserts If you are using pocket diapers- This is another one of the many reasons I prefer the diaper cover setup. So much less gross! You just throw it in, no need to separate.
Store the inserts and covers until washing- I like to use a stainless steel trash can with a removable insert and a lid for this. It can hold a high quantity, is easy to clean and contains the smell.
Run the diapers through a cold cycle- I prefer to wash my cloth diapers twice to eliminate stains and odor. For the cold cycle, I use a small amount of liquid homemade detergent, or a free and clear option.
Wash the diapers on hot- After using a cold cycle to remove stains, I run the washer one more time on hot to give the diapers a deep clean. I usually add a little dry detergent at this point. The key is to always use a very small amount of detergent. If you use too much , it will build up on the diapers and you will have to strip them. (See below.)
Dry the diapers- I am a super lazy cloth diaper-er and just throw them all straight in the dryer. To extend the life of the diapers, line drying is best. With that being said, my current diaper stash is on the third kid and still going strong.
Strip the diapers, if necessary- If they are still stinky when you're done washing them, and they seem less absorbent, its time to strip! See my explanation on the how to below.
Store the diapers- Due to my non-type A laid-backness, I do not fold my diapers. They go straight from the dryer and into my cloth diapering basket, all in a heap. Its so easy, my kids can put them away. I used to fold them nicely, but that was just one more thing that had to go the more kids I had. Turns out its totally unnecessary. Its the same reason I don't fold the baby's clothes either. I just throw them straight in the drawer.

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I’m a grandmother now, and I did use cloth diapers when I had babies. Everything you say is true and correct here. I wish all young moms would follow your advice. Cloth diapers are so soft and luxurious for babies. I’m waiting for your book to be released, I want it!


Interesting to say the least, I am a great grandmother of five with another on the way . I want to teach my grand daughter who is about to have the youngest of our family clan about cloth diapers. How ever I did not own a washer when my first or even my second child was born so had to use a scrub board to get them clean -and yes i used drift baby soap . after scrubbing the tar out of them( so to speak ), I hung them on a clothes line in the sun ( could not afford a drier ) . the sun bleach them nicely even in winter . Though I did bring them in the house frozen lol, and then laid them on a wooden rack to finish drying . And I did fold them up nice and neat while the babies were sleeping after I washed the dishes by hand ( yes I was a stay at home mother ) Guess you ladies life is a lot easier now with the washer, driers, dish washer ect.. guess we did do it the hard way -though it did build up our arm muscles and made our back stronger. Yes dear, I am way old school . Even had glass milk jugs back in my day. :)


Yes !!! I am so excited to see someone using this method of cloth diapering!! This is the same style of diapers and washing method that I used for 15 years ! Trust me mamas ! This is the best ! Don’t get caught up in the cuteness of those all in ones . Save yourself time and money and follow this method!


You remind me of the mom I was when I had one kid! 😂❤️🎉 so calm and wonderful


Watching this has made so much sense. I am only just about to start my cloth journey and have been so overwhelmed with all the websites and routines but your routine and detergent methods have really calmed me down! I’m so much more excited to try now. Thank you!!!


We have a front load washer and I put the dirties in a wet bag. When it's time to wash I unzip the top of the wet bag and put it in the washer. The first cold wash removes the nappies from the bag so you don't need to touch them 😊


I'm a grandma now but in the 70s and 80s I still used cloth diapers even as the 80s began the hard sell on disposables. Disposables were WAY too expensive back then to use everyday. You saved them for special occasions when you were out of town visiting grandma and didn't want to haul around soiled diapers all day. You are spot on for the technique. I presoaked in the pail with water and borax or a small amount of detergent, poured the whole pail water and all in the top loader, ran the spin cycle to drain everything then did a two wash cycle wash like you do. The only time I used disposable diapers was with my last baby and only if we were going to be out of the house literally all day visiting people and stores where carrying around a ziplock style vinyl bag with soiled diapers in my fresh clean diaper bag would be a stinky drudge on an already challenging day. Or occasionally if we were at all day family get togethers. same reason. where to store soiled diapers without grossing everybody out.


You made everything so simple, pure and doable! Thank you so much!


This was so encouraging to new cloth diaper users! Thank you so much for the easy and simple how to!


Omg THANK YOU... You have no idea how I've been waiting this video... Im due in july, first time momma. I love your baby videos because is so easy to get overwealmed with so much stuff and info and what not... I trust you so much lol and it empowers me: If she can do baby stuff minimal It can be done ;)... I just want peace of mind to bond with my baby... THANK YOu again :D


Just came across you as we’re prepping for baby #4 who’s due in July. I just love your videos, and your realness! Your personality is such a breath of fresh air in this insane time we’re in!


You are the only youtuber I watch the full ads for and don’t skip 😂💗


So I have been using the liquid recipe from your site for a little while now and I just used it on my cloth! They smell and look amazing!!! Huge win and they just feel cleaner than when using store bought soap!


Your advise is excellent! I had my children in the 1960 and I used cloth also and washed the same as you and my three children were very healthy. You have a wonderful channel. Keep up the important information.


Thanks for this! I'm going on my second child and have been doing cloth diapering "part-time" with my first, but now I'm convinced I'll go "full time" thanks to your great tips for saving time (I'll chuck all in dryer and they won't fall apart) and other tips I've learnt on other of your videos. THANK YOU! Love your style and straight talk.


You’re the one youtuber I actually look forward to seeing their videos and immediately click to watch the newest one! 💕so happy you did this video.. our cloth diaper wash routines are almost identical.. except I add an extra quick rinse cycle to make sure all the soap is gone. Will be trying that dry laundry soap recipe soon!


I would love if you did an updated Cloth Diaper video !! I just started cloth 2 months ago 🙂


Thank you Lisa. My daughter is almost a year and I just started ti use cloth diapers because I notice how much trash we can avoid by using it through the day. I love it.


Thank you for making this so much more realistic. The articles and Facebook groups are so overwhelming explaining how you HAVE to do things, I felt like keeping it simple was going to be impossible. We recently found your page and podcast and have so many similar interests and values, thank you for sharing so much useful and realistic information! 🤍


I’ve always heard not to use homemade detergent but that’s great that it works for you! I tried a bunch of natural detergents but tide was the only thing that worked for us (which I hate!) but our washer isn’t very good so I think that’s why. But I never had to strip at all. Can we just talk about how amazing your laundry room is?!?!?!?! It’s so dreamy!!!! One day I’m going to have a laundry room like that!!!!
