Responding to Robert Breaker and His False Doctrine of Two Gospels

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Robert Breaker and his rabid followers teach that you cannot go to the gospels and can only use “Paul’s gospel” for salvation. What in the world are they talking about and why is their teaching so wrong?

Robert Breaker is a hyper-dispensationalist that teaches that the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are under the dispensation of the Law and not grace.
He and his followers teach that Paul’s gospel is in the dispensation of the Church age and that these two gospels are not the same. Breaker, even though he denies being a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist, is exactly that. He and his followers clearly teach a mid-Acts division, separating the ministry of Jesus and the apostles from Paul and what Breaker continually refers to as Paul’s “my gospel”.

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Apostle paul says follow me as i follow Christ


So many preachers spending valuable time attacking one another! No unity! This is disgraceful


I believe u just proved brother Breaker even more right...u don't take the bible litterly and u should....ur teaching is extremely confusing and God is not the author of confusion and "study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHT LY DIVIDING the word of truth" hard feelings..times wasting away while u cause division over obvious stuff as such


Despite the differences in emphasis or audience, the core message remains consistent: salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.


Amen brother!!!🙏❤️.

One God, one Gospel and one way of Salvation for all people!!!


Jonathan, with so much confusion being passed around it's hard to determine who's right or wrong. Only the word of God can decern perfectly. Unfortunately, most rely on words spoken by others rather than diving into the word of God for Direct answers. What I believe is this...In essence, the gospel preached by Paul aligns with the same message proclaimed by patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and Jesus himself. Paul's gospel is fundamentally the gospel of God. He often terms it as "my gospel" since it was the central message he dedicated his life to proclaiming. Those who label "Paul's gospel" as a different gospel, stand on shaky ground. Scripture proves that, rather than teaching a “different gospel, ” he gave the church greater insight into the only true gospel, the gospel of God (Romans 1:1).

I appreciate the purpose of your video. We must continually point others to reading the Word of God along with prayer and supplications.


After the Jerusalem meeting in mid-Acts, I think it's pretty clear that all the apostles agreed with Paul. Why would they later write and preach a "different gospel"? According to Paul, they should be accursed. But we know that they didn't write or preach a different gospel than Paul. Hyperdispensationalism is divisive. They twist the scripture about "rightly dividing the word".


For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

1 Cor. 2:2


Matthew 24:13 mentions enduring to the end which sort of lines up with works based Gospel. Also, doesn’t God still give the Jews a chance to accept Jesus? Ultimately God knew they would reject Him but through free will they had a choice which means Jesus would still teach to them as if He was their Messiah to bring the kingdom/mil. I’m not locked in on either view here but a lot of what Breaker says makes sense.


The battle seems to never end, my friend... Go' with GOD...


Robert Breaker is not a hyperdispensationalist. You obviously haven’t listened to his preaching.


The funny thing is, Robert accuses others for following a man rather than God. But? Is he not doing it himself? He follows Paul rather than Jesus. How will he respond to 1 cor 3 :4-5?


Everyone has a blind spot. Elijah didn't know about the "seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed the knee to Baal." It somehow slipped his notice. Later, in the days of Elisha, a Shunamite woman who's son had died in her arms was driving furiously toward him. She took Elisha by his feet and Gehazi, his servant, moved to thrust her away. But Elisha said "Let the woman alone; she is in bitter distress and the Lord has hid it from me."

Great men of God sometimes miss the memo on something. Why should we be left out?

So 1st John 5:1 is our verse of the day. In view of this, I'm gonna weigh in by saying "I'm with you fellers."


Sadly, Dr. Ruckman's camp (Breaker was taught by him) will deny being Mid-Acts but it's only another one of those IFB statements said in ignorance. You are correct to point out and insist that brother Breaker teaches exactly a Mid-Acts dispensational view.


Not sure if you cover it but you can use Gal. 1:12 as a proof of Pauls gospel is the same as the Gospel the Christ preached.


I thank you for your videos. My father is part of brakers online church and we have beenhaving conflict about the bible as of late. Thank you for doing Gods work and posting this video.


The problem with Breaker and all other Ruckmanites is their interpretation and application of the word "gospel." Paul preached the kingdom and grace and Christ. Guess what: they all refer to the good message God began to tells us about in Genesis 3:15 and revealed more and more throughout scripture. There is one "gospel", or good message, revealed more and more over time.


I've watched Robert before and watched him again regarding this topic. I really can not wrap my head around him. Most things I have no problem agreeing with him. But this obsession of Paul? He says he is not following Paul but Jesus. And of course we shall read and believe all what what Paul writes, why does God allow him otherwise to be in the bible? Because if God is not strong enough to guard his own Holy Book, what is in it. Then what shall we believe then?


From the research that i've done as to how they get away with this its due to peoples lack of reading and understanding their bible. Pauls letters are more complicated than Jesus, James, Peter, and John...even though Paul says he used plain speech. :) Its because of this that they can pick and choose what they read of Paul while disgarding the tougher passages, thinking that paul is preaching an easier gospel.

They are misunderstanding what biblical faith/belief/trust really means. If you pay attention throughout the bible, the bibles definition of faith looks like their definition of works. Heb 11, literally all works excelt a few and the bible says that faith caused that.

This is why verse by verse study is important, because they are forced to deal with difficult passages that otherwise they can ignore.

Lastly, they miss the point of reading events yhrough the perspective of the writer and asking what the intention is. Jesus in the gospels was "mostly" preaching against self righteousness. His aufience was mosyly religious Jews with the exception of publicans and sinners... (that were repenting of their wicked ways). In romans, even though people say its the best gospel tract ever, I disagree and honestly see paul directing most of the letter to Jews rather than Gentiles. Again....he is mostly spending the whole letter preaching against self righteousness...why you ask? Oh i dont know....maybe because he used to be one. This is why a lot of people love Romans so much, because many of the phrases that the other apostles and Jesus used arent found in it, it just condemns all to sin and then tells them to believe, and the reader can very easily miss the repentance part and whats expected of them. And for chapters like 6-8, they really EMPHASIZE on the carnal man(its not me its my flesh), and simply say that the commandment to walk in the Spirit is a mere suggestion.

Peter, james, john are not so. They lay out things differently, more broad.

I was caught up in this for years. Bottom line, I wanted God to save me and give me righteousness, but I wanted to be unrighteous...thats my testimony and the reason I chose to believe these things.


I think the reason Brother Breaker and others come up with these wrong distinctions is because they believe salvation in other dispensations can be works based as I've heard him say, which is not biblical at all.
It's always been God credits righteousness to those who believe in him.
