Deconstructing Your Identity, And Why Do It

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Identity politics have become a hot topic in the Western world. People tend to attach their sense of identity to certain political ideas, gender identity, ethnic or religious group, sexual orientation etc, and often get triggered when they perceive their identity is being threatened.

Today we discuss why it is useful and important to detach from these categories in order to develop psychologically. We talk about how to deconstruct your identity and tell the stories of how we have done it.

"All you can say at the end of the day is 'I am.' That's the only accurate statement you could say about yourself." - Euvie Ivanova


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In This Episode Of Future Thinkers:

- What it means to deconstruct your identity, and how it enables us to see things more objectively
- The current narratives of diversity, oppression and globalization as formative forces
- The relationship between individual expression and narcissistic culture
- Why it is difficult to stand out in a globalized culture and why we emphasize differences
- Why people remain attached to ideas even after those ideas are disproved
- The role of basic human needs when it comes to attachments
- The different methods for deconstructing identity
- Getting comfortable with contradiction and letting go of the attachment to results

"It is very important, for the sake of reducing suffering, to not require the results, that one theory is proven right and another proven wrong, or to have a binary answer for any given situation." - MikeGilliland

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Question of the Day (QOTD) // How much weight do you give to your identity? Is it critical, or relatively unimportant to you?


I like the mentioned trade-off between having a unique identity and having a sense of belonging. Namely, as uniqueness goes up, belonging goes down.


I am so glad I found this channel ! This is the inth ! So good . Thanks!


Ok i reached the "i am" point. I still think even that can be questioned, in particular the "I" part, especially given the split brain patient reality, which to me is proof that there is no continuity to consciousness, i.e. "you" as "the consciousness present right now" will die this very moment. A couple of interesting corollaries: 1) it doesn't make sense to be afraid of dying because that would mean spending the only moment you will ever exist worrying 2) looking after yourself is equivalent to any other form of altruism, because you can only ever look after a future version of yourself.


Really great conversation guys. Keep it up.


The first time Sam Harris' meditation style worked with me I discovered certain "deeper" parts of my identity. Not labels or thoughts about myself, but certain feelings, insecurities, ever present needs and "colors", a Gestalt that makes up what I identify with. It felt like an imbalance that I usually subconsciously externally try to compensate for.


What you recommend read or listen for start learning about meditation?

Keep the good work!


What of Bulgaria? Why Bulgaria? And btw you're getting a little ahead of yourselves guys, lol. As regards infinite taxonomy, people just want to know what things are. It probably has a social component like you suggested with the belonging factor, but to peg it as the main reason of why we divide and subcategorize as much is the most bizarrely pretentious and ridiculously exaggerated notion that I ever came across. It probably does play some part, but to a teeny tiny extent.


Hey guys, you produce great content! Thank you
