Sermon Series: Seeking True Faith | Is the Idea of the Trinity Tenable?

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Sermon Series: Seeking True Faith | Is the Idea of the Trinity Tenable?

Ever since the Lord Jesus incarnate carried out His work of redemption, for 2,000 years, all of Christianity has defined God as being the "Trinity." Since the Bible mentions the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, they just extrapolate from there and conclude that God is a Trinity, thinking that the Holy Father, Son, and Spirit are the three parts that make up the one true God, and that without either one of these parts, They are not the one true God. Well, does the idea of the Trinity actually stand to reason? Could it be that Jehovah God isn't the one true God? Or that the Lord Jesus isn't, and the Holy Spirit isn't, either? Is this concept of the Trinity actually denying and segmenting the one true God? In this episode of Seeking True Faith, we'll help uncover the truth about this so we can learn about the one true God.

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Amen thanks be to Almighty God for guidance 🙏💖


Amen 🙏🙏🙏, , , Thank Almighty God.. 🥰🤗


Amen, there is only one true God, and never separated


Almighty God has opened up so many mysteries. How blessed and lucky we are to bear witness to God appearance in the last day❤


God's word is power, and being with God is sufficient.


Thank Almighty God for the words of more confusion, more trusting man.


Well explained One true God from beginning to the end of time, doing different work at different time to save mankind. Amen


For this point, I don't understand and I am confused since I started believing in God 19 years ago in a Trinity church in Cambodia. Now, I'm completely clear about this topic. Thanks to Almighty God to reveal the truth on this.


Best Video yet. Finally this is getting through my thick skull 😊 😄💀


Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)


he is the one true God There Is no anather God


The Trinity does not exist:
"If you say that the Trinity exists, then explain what “one God in three persons” is.
What’s the Holy Father? And what is the Son?
What’s the Holy Spirit?

Is Jehovah the Holy Father? Is Jesus the Son? Then who’s the Holy Spirit? Isn’t the Father a Spirit? Isn’t the Son’s essence a Spirit?
Wasn’t Jesus’ work the Holy Spirit’s work?
Wasn’t Jehovah’s work done by the Spirit
just as Jesus’ work was done by the Spirit?
How many Spirits can God have?

By your explanation, the three persons
of Father, Son, Holy Spirit are one.If this is true, there are three Spirits, but “three Spirits” means there are three Gods. That would mean there is no one true God. How could this kind of God have God’s innate essence?

If you accept there’s only one God, how can He have a son and be a father? Are these not all simply your notions?

There’s only one God, one person in God, and there is only one Spirit of God, just as it is written in the Bible:
“There’s only one Holy Spirit and God.”"

from 《The Word appears in the flesh 》


Do you have any debate on this issue so I can watch? 😊


The substance of Jehovah, of Jesus are the same---the Holy Spirit, so they are the one!


This is just modalism, nothing new. But who did Jesus pray to? Did the Holy Ghost not come to him as a dove? Witness Lee was a semi modalist which is a better view. God both a Trinity and a unity at the s a me time
