Fab All-in Recitation

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Welcome to the Fab All-in Fab Academy Recitation Video!

The "Fab All-In" program aims to promote belonging, expand the impact of inclusive, urgent, enivro-social-econ-cultural-etc initiatives, and create a community. The program invites everyone, regardless of their background or affiliation, to join and share their experiences, methods, and work. The program's five interactive sessions aim to build skills, knowledge, and capability around social systems needed to co-evolve with digital fabrication technologies.

The sessions include sharing innovations already happening, featuring application activities such as collaborative examination of a Fab Lab and providing info on initiatives already scaling that are inclusive to underrepresented groups. The final session aims to be a solutionspalooze to hear more details about solutions and emerging initiatives discovered along the way.

The learning objectives of the program are to become aware that others have already solved hard inclusion challenges, learn how to lead community change initiatives, foster inclusivity, empower more natural and cultural context for digital fabrication, promote economic vitality and community self-sufficiency, appreciate and counter tech bias, and share what you have innovated and learn with others. The program invites people to join this cool emergent community of practice and work together towards positive social, economic, environmental creative impact, personal self-expression, leadership/leader-shop, and community self-sufficiency.

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