How to AutoFit Columns and Rows in Excel | AutoFit Cell Size to Contents | AutoFit Shortcuts

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In this video I demonstrate how to autofit column width and row height in Microsoft Excel.
AutoFit Column Width
You can autofit individual columns or all columns by double-clicking between columns at the top of your worksheet. This will adjust the column width to fit the widest text or numeric value in that column. Sometimes this is not quite what you want. You may, for example, have a heading at the top of your worksheet that is wider than the contents in the same column below. To get around this you can select the cells that you want to base you adjusted column width on and then use the shortcut ALT H, O, I.
Autofit Row Height
Like columns you can autofit individual rows or all rows within a worksheet: double-clicking between row numbers on the left of your worksheet achieves this. You can also use the shortcut ALT H, O, A.
AutoFit Column Width
You can autofit individual columns or all columns by double-clicking between columns at the top of your worksheet. This will adjust the column width to fit the widest text or numeric value in that column. Sometimes this is not quite what you want. You may, for example, have a heading at the top of your worksheet that is wider than the contents in the same column below. To get around this you can select the cells that you want to base you adjusted column width on and then use the shortcut ALT H, O, I.
Autofit Row Height
Like columns you can autofit individual rows or all rows within a worksheet: double-clicking between row numbers on the left of your worksheet achieves this. You can also use the shortcut ALT H, O, A.
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