What Does It Mean When My Ex Views My Snapchat And Instagram Stories?

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What Does It Mean When My Ex Videos My Snapchat And Instagram Stories?

In this podcast episode were going to do things a little differently where I’m going to answer many different questions;
How often do exes vies your stories?
Does it mean anything?
How you should be using these apps through the process that we have created?

Why Do Exes View Stories?
Probably the best way to tackle this question, how often do your exes watch you via all social media platforms, it is actually the norm for exes to view your actions online. There was a study found that over 88% of people Facebook stalk their exes, now Facebook Stalking is not so much a thing that there is so many securities online now. But the behavior that there is an addictive behavior to spy on your ex on social media. It also really makes sense when you think of it as viewing Snapchat and Instagram stories where it is more likely for him to want to watch it. This is why so many exes will block you to being with because they can’t stand the reminder of your presence to stop thinking about you and the pain that is associated with the break up. This is normal.

Does It Mean Anything?
in my opinion, it doesn't really mean much, you can put that in bold, in my opinion it doesn't mean much apart from one exception. But let me tell you why it doesn't mean anything. People always reading too much into it. The only difference is that these apps allow you to see who is viewing your stories. Where other social media doesn't show you, who is looking at your posts. So, because these apps give you the chance to see who has viewed stories. But it is just normal behavior. So, obsessing over something, that I consider normal behavior, can lead you to look obsessed and crazy and you lose your value if you bring this up with your ex.

Now I did mention something about where it does mean something. If your ex is viewing your stories, and I want to talk about that situation. I think the only exception is if your ex is viewing your stories and it does mean something is if they watch every single story that you put out over the course of a month. More about their addictive nature and obsess about what you are up to. In essence you are winning the break up because they are obsessed about what you are doing. it shows they are not over the break up. now that we know that.

What are some of the reasons that exes will view your stories?

It is sort of like when you go through the break up and you poured you heart and soul into the relationship and you start to wonder what you are up to. they think about what you are doing with your life, if you met someone else got married had children. it is human nature to be curious.

When you are obsessed and addicted to viewing stories, as weird as it sounds some men will get into the habit of watching your stories which then gets them angry. It is situations where people convince themselves that you are in the wrong because you got them angry. Even if they are complete fault for the break up, they will justify it to make themselves the victim because they like to feel like they have the moral high ground. They like to be angry for the sake to be angry.

Let's say you have opened up a Snapchat stories a few times and before, you know it you’ve got into the habit of watching the stories, because you can’t stop the habit. This is the main reasons for why your ex will watch your stories.

How Should You Be Using Social Media During This Process?
If you didn't know, we are trying to put this new way of looking at things, using the No Contact Rule. Essentially there are three phases to getting your ex back, Before, During and After the No Contact rule. So, where does social media fall? Our Snapchat, Instagram throughout the process that we are famous for creating. It falls into two areas, During No Contact and After No Contact.

So, you should be using social media, in certain ways during this process, I want you to use this to determine if your ex is keeping tabs on you. Think of this as a way to experiment to see what types of things your ex is watching and do more to get his addictive side working. This is especially important to people who want to get an ex back and how to keep them interested. If you are worried that he may start to forget you, this is the way to keep tabs on what they are watching and what they are not watching. I have people from our Private Facebook Group do this to see what they ex is interested in watching and they do the same thing with a different topic and their exes always seems to watch when they are doing something specific.
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He’s never missed any Instagram story I post, very consistent with it. It always gets me wondering why. I’m not gonna think too much into it but like why would you watch every story lol?


In my honest opinion and to what I’ve observe is that i myself personally click on someone’s story if I’M INTERESTED, doesn’t matter if i like the person or not. Next, if I’m the ex and I didn’t block her there’s a possibility i would watch her story but before it ends so that she would think I’m not that interested. Another scenario is that there are times i will not watch her story so that she would think I’m offline or whatever. Guys, for me it’s best to put yourself on their shoes and observe what it would be. You’ll get 99% answers or clue because it differs to every person


Chris I don’t understand how you don’t have more subscribers. Most informative video I’ve ever listened/watched. This definitely put a whole new perspective for me. And I find it very cool you are replying to your audience in the comment section down below. This is week 2 after the breakup and I’ve just been keeping myself busy at the gym and hanging with friends and doing other things I love doing. EVERY SINGLE STORY POST (snapchat and Instagram) has been viewed by her so far. I’m keeping myself busy and doing what’s best for me. Again, thank you for helping me feel better about situation. Have a good day Chris!


And what about the fact he told me when he broke up that “I’m doing good, I even don’t watch your stories or check your social media anymore” but then since several months ago he rewatch them each time I upload them?


Ex gf watches every story I’ve posted for years I also have her post notifications on every platform we don’t speak but watch everything the other does. She’s married now and I’m happy for her but I think she’s just curious nothing more but I’m still in love with her it’s been five- six years a shame i threw all we could have been. I know I probably won’t even see her again but I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving her.


You can actually see who views your stories on Facebook


“When I grew up snapchat and IG wasn’t a thing”
Same and now I feel old AF 😂


I don't understand why. They used just view my stories but now he's liking it. Is that normal? If it doesn't mean anything why are they just starting to like them out of the blue?


What if your ex is watching from a fake page? That’s what my ex is doing. I know it’s her. she told on herself a year ago without realizing it.


I have a very strange situation. My ex and I broke up 3 years ago. Haven’t talked since. Bad breakup... he cheated on me with his physical therapist and then got her pregnant and they had a shotgun wedding. A few weeks ago he started watching every single one of my IG stories. Like EVERY SINGLE one. Also, he uses a fake IG account he doesn’t know I know about. We never followed/friended each other on social but right after the breakup I discovered he had a fake account. They moved to across the country several years ago. What is this about? I’m happy in a relationship and he’s a newlywed with a year old child. Why would he be doing this out of the blue? Shouldn’t he be happily married with a new family? And why from a secret account?


I broke up with my ex a month ago. He said we can't get married because his family can't accept that I'm from a different and he is still watching my stories. Is this normal?


What if she is watching my story after unfollowing me. She said she was taking a break from Instagram and decided to unfollow me. Then I noticed she has been watching my stories still. Does that mean nothing too?


My ex muted my and her stories right after break up and after 6 months got unmuted, she viewed my stories I viewed just one oh her and stoped watching, she stoped watching too right after, I got hurt by the breakup and dont know if a want her back.


My case might be a little bit different. I have dumped my ex and I tried to recover relationship after month of no contact. She was very cold so I left her message with apology and I added that I would like to hangout with her. Of course she saw this message and didn’t replied. More importantly we never follow each other on insta but she keeps checking every story I post even after break up. What does that mean?


I have people on snap chat that i never watch stories.. because they dont matter to me. I only click on those that I actually like and talk to.or care about. I dont mindlessly watch them. I would think an ex that of a month that has watched every single snap, means a little something. He never snaps anything, never has. Maybe I'm off base.. idk.


What if we don’t follow each other on anything and he views my story from both of his accounts?


Having that ome mysterious public viewer on facebook.. cant see who as it just states "others (1)" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The experiment!!! I did it....and its literally anything I put up anymore I just post dumb stuff just to see and he looks he didnt use to much at


okay look, my ex still watches my private story like seconds after i post them but she already has someone else. i still have her on my private story because we were cool with each other after breaking up and i left her priv and dont look at her public stories because i just want to move on. i find it weird that she still watches every single story i post. and on my birthday she was like "happy birthday!! hope u have a great day<3", so yeah fuck me im confused as fuck


He doesn’t use IG like that or view stories like that… after 2 1/2 years together that’s one thing I know about him, so after seeing that he looked at my iG story I knew something is weird with him. Idk what tho, maybe he’s just curious
