Эх Яблочко! Oh, Little Apple! (English Lyrics)

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«Эх Яблочко!» - это красноармейское исполнение традиционной русской народной песни, касающееся операций большевистских войск в Сибири во время Гражданской войны в России, изгнавшей лидера Белой армии Александра Колчака и его сторонников эсеров. Военные действия Красной Армии сильно истощили моральный дух социалистически настроенных сил при администрации Колчака, и, как следствие его отказа от надлежащего сотрудничества со своими союзными социалистическими фракциями, он был предан и впоследствии казнен.
"Oh, Little Apple!", is a Red Army rendition of a traditional Russian folk song, regarding the operations of Bolshevik forces across Siberia during the Russian Civil War in ousting White Army leader, Alexander Kolchak and his Social Revolutionary (SRs) supporters. The military actions of the Red Army severely depleted the morale of Socialist-leaning forces under Kolchak's administration, and as a consequence of his refusal to properly cooperate with his allied Socialist factions, he was betrayed and subsequently executed.
(Русские Cубтитры, English Subtitles)
"Oh, Little Apple!", is a Red Army rendition of a traditional Russian folk song, regarding the operations of Bolshevik forces across Siberia during the Russian Civil War in ousting White Army leader, Alexander Kolchak and his Social Revolutionary (SRs) supporters. The military actions of the Red Army severely depleted the morale of Socialist-leaning forces under Kolchak's administration, and as a consequence of his refusal to properly cooperate with his allied Socialist factions, he was betrayed and subsequently executed.
(Русские Cубтитры, English Subtitles)