Archaeologists Discover Why Egyptians were Obsessed with Constellation Orion

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For thousands of years, if not longer, humans have been plotting several constellations across the night sky. Many ancient cultures shared the belief that we came from the stars. And Orion has long been regarded as one of the most significant constellations in the known universe. The Ancient Egyptians’ star cult and faith in the afterlife are not unheard of. But why were they so fascinated with stars? Especially stars from the Orion Constellation. And why did the constellation play an important role in the alignment of their man-made spectacles?

Today on Crunch, we will try to understand why the Egyptians were so obsessed with the Orion Constellation.

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The pyramids represented Orion. The Sphinx represented the constellation Leo. There are other monuments that are based on Orion.


Orions has been calling to me and i recently discovered it in my chart, with that came research and i bought a orion star constellation pendant. Like any other day im walking outside and its dark and something told me look up into the sky, when i did i took a picture of the stars because I noticed they were more visible than usual (i live in a city) after seeing 3 noticeable stars i started matching the stars….and yes i cant make this up it was indeed orion.


Maybe they weren't actually the most Ancient race to reside there 🤔


The pyramids represent the Savior and two malefactors on the cross. The Giza Temple is like a typical LDS Temple (see floor plans or take a tour). Ceremonies: Eqyptian Temple rites> Freemasonary rites>LDS Temple work. LDS believe God's throne is near the star Kolob which is in Orion's belt (Giza pyramid).


We are monitored by advance beings. And in orion's constellation there lived advance beings there.


It’s interesting to note that people had near death experiences back in history. They would have brought back what they saw on the other side. Beings of light for one thing. Religion would have been created knowing there is a higher power we go too after death. I like the idea and mentioned in peoples near death experiences they take on a form that our time period can understand taking on the form of one of our past lives and be older or younger as we will. Its fascinating to read millions of NDE accounts Souls are older than the Earth we are spiritually eternal and there are millions of worlds to experience the universe is the University of the soul.


Ellen G. White a prophet of the Seventh Day Adventist wrote about one of her visions saying that she saw Jesus coming through an empty space in Orion's belt the empty space she said is a long tunnel and at the end of the tunnel was a bright white light. Later I read an article about a radio telescope that looked into that tunnel and saw at the end of the tunnel a bright light that did not radiate temperature Another article read that the belt had been opening more and more as time went on. Just my religious mind though only speculating I wonder if it has anything to do with the "second coming.




Wasnt just eygptions. Was the olmecs in mexico as well their pyramid is align with orion as well


Job 38.👽 Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades (7 Sisters), or loosen the belts of Orion? Can you bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or can you guide Arcturus with his cubs?


Interesting video … I await a similar explanation for the Thornborough Henge in Yorkshire. Also constructed in the exact same format of Al Nitak, Al Nilam and Mintaka.


I had 'first contact' from star beings connected with Orion's Belt. I was drawn and fixated to it and didn't either realise at the time the name of these 'three stars' then space ships arrived and telepathic communications our ancient ancestors had the same experiences?


In the beginning God created The Heavens & The Earth.


Giza correlates to the speed of light. The center of Earth landmass. Space and Earth are closest at Giza, and the lowest elevation on Earth is in Petra.
Giza is the top of the tower of Babel. If the Petra Treasury is at the lowest point, it means you enter there.
Then the breach on the pyramid of Giza that is shaped like Israel, because Petra is on the other side of Israel, it means you come out of the pyramid at the top in space.
The river forms the tree of life. The picture of Yggdrasil shows a door underground, which is Petra treasury, then paths that lead to the top of the tree, which is at Giza.
Orion the hunter is Nero, who is slain by Hyades. X and Y.
The library of Alexandria was ignited because it aligns to Betelgeuse, from there I took the spawner of the sacrifice to the scales in Petra, who was a fire sign Sagittarius while it's spawn was an Aries.
Aldebaran aligns with a mountain in Israel. Pleaides is Petra. Hyades is father time, and Petra means Father.
The valley around the pyramids was all water before the event mentioned in revelations.
During Octavian's time, the pyramids were built. Volcanoes blew up causing tidal waves to wash across the Sahara, which turned it into desert. Ash covered the sky, things died.
1000 years later he reincarnates and does this magic rite involving the devil which causes the sun to come close to Earth and vaporize the water, in which you hear the part where Moses parted the seas. Moses had many names when he travelled.
Those red and orange stars in the sky are suns.
By sprinkling the blood of the devil in the water, while travelling across from Library to Israel with the fire days behind, it caused the stars to fall, from the gravitational contraction of time.
This is why the bible says "he cast a third of the stars to the ground" Then they name it the Perseid meteor shower, because he was called Perseus.
It's why the dead sea scrolls are burnt.
People look at the stars looking for signs of God's return.

Hyades consumed Orion and defecated him out in a long drop in Petra. The magic ritual trapped Satan underground because of the Earth and stars, which is why oil is coming out of the ground. Crude oil kills and smells like feces.
If dark stinky stuff comes from the place that has the lowest elevation on Earth, then think for yourself what it is. This is a fractal.
You burn it, and exhaust it through a tailpipe on a car or machine. Much like an anus.
They trade you oil for your lands, so you can ride in a fancy machine that is designed to break down all the time.


0:15 that is not Orion's Belt. Orion's Belt is the 3 bottom stars of the Little Dipper. When you combine the whole star system, it's Orion aiming a bow.


United States has a lot of symbols that are almost the exact same of the Egyptians. Especially the eye an the pyramids


If they built the pyramids to line up with Orion's belt, then how does the fourth pyramid (the black pyramid) fit in this scenario.


I have a question about this Orion star I noticed it many times.. it just appears infront. Of my house.. there were no other stars just that one star Orion the three inn the middle kept blinking of and on. It's so odd to me


The orion's belt constellation is currently appearing above my house in the night sky


The More Powerful Ones, fell, from the Heavens and made a pack, one with another, and chose wives from the daughters of ADM.
We are all a mixture of Gallactic energies.
THAT is the part of the story most of us will reject.
& so on.
-Theory of Carlene
