RVA Today Interview with Lisa Dodd, D.O.

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When you have an emergency medical situation, traveling to the closest Emergency Department to you can be critical, Dr. Lisa Dodd, Medical Director of Riverside Tappahannock Hospital Emergency Department told RVA Today on NBC 12 in Richmond.

Just because Riverside Tappahannock Hospital is a "smaller Emergency Department does not mean you’ll have to wait longer. In fact, you’ll save time with travel and you’ll be able to get in, get the diagnostics, and determine the treatment plan quicker and more efficient than if you travel to another, longer distance ER.”

Remember, Dr. Dodd said, "911 should be called anytime there’s chest pain, shortness of breath, severe pains, burns, altered mental status, any weakness, or any time family or friends are not comfortable transporting the patient."
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