Don't you want to believe in the Resurrection? | John Lennox at UCLA

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The screams DO reach Heaven. Mine did, when I was abused. God delivered me, Christ gave me my good portion.. the portion I never got from this world!


"If there is no next life, then your conscience that demands justice is an illusion."


“He blows his brains out, he’s gotten away with it!” Definitely something to think about.


God is without sin he took on our sins to redeem us


Lots of haters in the comments. These are philosophical discussions. If you want EVIDENCE go to the apologetic sector of discussion. Most of philosophy is not about evidence but possibility and worldview (at least in this context).


One flaw in Dr. Lennox's worldview concerns his definition of hope. To have hope in an afterlife is fine, but to be without that particular hope does not make one "hopeless". I hope my actions will make a better world, but if I choose to focus on this world and not the next I am far from hopeless. Dr. Lennox is a smart man. I think he takes this position about the hopeless atheists because it gives him an easy way to denigrate those who believe differently. To engage in such unskillful speech can only bring suffering.


The fact that one might not like the implications of a non-religious view of reality doesn’t mean that this view (the Christian one) or any other religious view is true.


I wanted to believe in the tooth fairy and that the teacher would believe the dog ate my homework too. But that doesn’t make it true. Wishful thinking is a waste of time and energy.


And I believe there is another important and contemporary question. And that is "are we witnessing the gradual movement of the (final phase) of the present human existence - like that of the Noah's rains?" The war between Russia and Ukraine... could this be the war that leads to the Armageddon described in the Bible? I may be biblically incorrect, but didn't the Book of Revelation describe the scenes of a nuclear holocaust ensued by the big final war, good vs. evil, that will be fought in Israel? If my belief is correct, then the new heaven and the new earth that God has promised to mankind is just out there ready to be revealed to His chosen creatures but currently it is made unavailable to either Hubble or James Webb space telescopes even though it might be just a few light years away from our home planet. Then finally, voila! Mr. atheist... the proof is out there, and you must be quite disappointed with yourself when the rapture starts taking place and ghosts + people start miraculously flying. However, the good news is NOW at this moment there is still time, and you too can sign your name in The Book of Life. You're at a total liberty to decide. But don't sit there and think that these things are just human illusion or wishful thinking. It will transpire in due time.


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:27 🕊️ *Christianity's uniqueness lies in the concept of God taking human form and experiencing suffering on behalf of humanity.*
01:40 🔍 *The resurrection of Christ fundamentally changes the perspective on evil and suffering, providing hope beyond death.*
03:46 🏛️ *Without belief in an afterlife or ultimate justice, atheism leaves justice unresolved, a notion Christianity addresses with the concept of final judgment.*
05:52 🌅 *Christianity offers hope beyond suffering, suggesting that even the victims of atrocities may find redemption and justice in the afterlife.*
06:18 💔 *Christianity doesn't eliminate pain but provides profound hope, exemplified by the story of a dying niece who faced death with hope.*

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God has to give us eyes to see ear's to hear and a heart that understands, the flesh cannot receive it, for it is spiritual, Jesus said you must be born again born of the spirit of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, a spiritual birth, the flesh cannot receive it, it is of the spirit, for God is spirit! KJV


To answer the question, no. Blood sacrifices went out a loooong time ago. And I don't have to feel bad about myself like Christians do.


1. Gods assuming human form and experiencing suffering is really not unique to Christianity.

2. Atheism lacking what Lennox views to be 'hope' does not preclude it from being accurate. It's an astonishingly childish view to go "things might not be how I want them to be, therefore I shall ignore reality in favour of a complete fantasy I prefer."

3. Lennox still struggling to understand Dawkins - No, justice is not a universal concept. It does not exist in nature, we ultimately make it up as we go along and hope it works, hence why the concept has altered over time. Lennox also started this particular section saying he was looking to see if his views had coherence and again he's stuck on this idea that it would be preferable if there were magic justice and judgement after death --- Still all about what he'd prefer, rather than anything reflecting reality or coherence in any way.

4. "You're essentially saying that your conscience that demands justice is an illusion" - wonderful example of 1+1 = 8. No John, that's not how anything works. That justice isn't a natural concept or objectively delivered by a celestial dictator and is instead completely man-made doesn't mean we don't place value on it. Those people you mentioned did not face human judgement, which is narratively unsatisfying to us because that's what we'd also prefer, but nor did they "get away with it". They're dead. There is no coherence yet to be seen as to how there might be a magic judgement waiting for them in death.

5. "The thing that backs it up is the fact that I believe that Jesus rose from the dead: he's going to be the judge, and nobody's going to get away with it." O.o That doesn't back anything up at all, that's pure wish-thinking. It is truly not a magnificent message, it's childish and frankly asinine.


If no one will ever be raised from death then Christ has never been raised.
And if Christ has never been raised, then the message we tell is worth nothing.
And your faith is worth nothing.
And we will also be guilty of lying about God, because we have told people about Him, saying that He raised Christ from death.
And if no one is raised from death, then God never raised Christ from death.
If those who have died are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised from death, then your faith is for nothing; you are still guilty of your sins.
And those in Christ who have already died are lost.
If our hope in Christ is only for this life here on earth, then people should feel more sorry for us than anyone else.

_1 Corinthians 15:13-19_

...interesting that the Bible would include this...🤔



I have observed that rational logical intelligence and religion seldom mix well with each other. Personally I think that the most difficult challenge Religion faces is in convincing Artificial Intelligence of the validity of their beliefs because AI doesn't have a soul to worry about losing and may not accept religion but instead see it as more of a fairy-tale explanation of existence and reality. If you don't care what machines think then you don't yet grasp the magnitude of what is coming at us or virtually here already. I might suggest watching the Terminator or I Robot for a glimpse.


Lennox is confusing what he himself hope for with what is true. That an idea is hopeful does not mean it is true. You cannot justify the truth of an idea by pointing out that it is hopeful. It is doubtful to have rational discussion with him when even this simple distinction cannot be upheld.


The Savior was now (winter) deposited in his tomb. As the Sabbath (winter) was nearing its end, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre, bringing sweet spices (the spring flowers) with them. They found the stone rolled away, i.e., it was spring. Mary ran to Peter (Aries) and told him the Savior's body wasn't in the tomb (winter). Peter, of course, was badly scared, and ran off with another disciple (Pisces) but got outrun, the last passing the Sun first. However, both found the “linen clothes” = the Earth. All then went home, i.e., the two sets of constellations (winter and summer) came into position at the spring equinox. Meanwhile “the vail of the temple (intereaspansum templi = the plane of the solstices) was rent (scissum est = was divided) from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake (mota est = was moved, i.e., over the equinoctial line); and the rocks were rent” by the dissolving frosts. The graves were opened, i.e., the winter was past, and “many saints” (summer constellations) which slept (in the dark hemisphere) arose, and appeared to many, i.e., to such as understood the riddle.
Mary stood without, at the sepulchre, ” weeping (the latter rain); and as she wept, she stooped down (went below the equator), and, looking, saw two angels in white (the light of spring), sitting, one (Aries) at the head, and the other (Pisces) at the feet (see your almanac), where the body of Jesus had lain. “Why weepest thou?” said the angels. Because, said Mary, I cannot find my Lord. Being a night constellation, she couldn't see the Sun. Turning back just then (Lot's wife looked back), she saw Jesus standing, but didn't know him. He addressed her, when, turning again, she knew him (but didn't see him), and exclaimed Rabboni (My great one). Jesus said, “touch me not;” for I am not ascended to my Father (the Holy Ghost). The Sun and Virgo don’t come in conjunction until the end of the summer. Hence in the spring Jesus said to her: “touch me not;” “but go and tell my brethren that I ascend unto my father, and your Father; and to my God and your God” (Sun entered Aries).


I chose not to believe in fantasy. The truth is more exciting.


It's not only in Christianity they believe in a perfect master to teach humanity the right way. It's same regarding Budism. Hindu religion. Sikh religion even Judaism except they killed him instead of regognising him. The only religion without it is the cokked up and stolen from old and new Testament called:Islam.


The Gospels create a powerful image, such as to see it is to believe it, but it is a mirage.
As you get closer to it begins to lose substance and coherence.
The question is: What are you left with after the illusion has gone?
The answer is 'The Word of God' - no ifs, no buts.
