True Ghost stories to keep you awake told by Nurses!

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You all seem to love these nursing ghost stories and boy do I have plenty!

In this episode, we will be discussing a man’s encounter with death itself, as well as some shadow people and of course we have some ghostly children as well. We also have a story about a possible doppelgänger, you decide.

I hope you enjoy these stories. I have always felt that nurses tell the best ghost stories, because they are true. Thank you for watching!
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I once had an old lady that had fallen and broke her hip. I was a new cna and shadowed the other ones. The old lady was very weak and her family just knew she was a goner. On my break i went in her room to eat my lunch. Since she was alone and her tray was there. Thr cnas just wrote every day that she refused and wouldnt eat. After a few bites of my sandwich i openedy thermos of soup. Suddenly she daid, "give me a bite". I looked st her tray and she had reg diet so i propped her up and she ate all of my soup and the othet half of my turkey sandwich.!!!Suddenly she said thats the first thing ive eaten since ive been here. Well let me tell you...i notified the nursing supervisor. The crap hit the fan. After that her family started bringing her her favorite food and us cnas (that cared) would stuff her with ensure and ice cream. Lol. Three weeks later she rode the wheelchair down to get to go home. At the door she stopped us and made us let her have her walker. She walked out of thst hospital. I got a commendation for that case. Such a sweet person.


Everyone loves a ghost story, and the real ones...more so. We are thankful that you tell these stories!!


Great stories.The black figure is the Angel of Death/Grim Reaper The 24th of Dec 38 to years ago my brother died in a car accident but before we were informedmy mom and I had dreams and in my dream I walked in the garden path and next to me was the Grim Reaper when I screamed my brother stood next to me saying He's not here for you he s here for me .I will always remember this as he told me He's there to assist him💕 Thank you for your brilliant videos


Went to see my aunt in nursing home a few days before she died. We talked for a couple of hours and she was her usual loving self. But she really creeped me out talking about seeing black smoke come out of her wall clock, go out the door, come back after a while and go back in the clock. The lady was not crazy! She saw something she couldn't explain. She has physical problems but her mind was fine. My mother was in same home a few years later. She said she couldn't understand why her parents would walk by her room and not speak to her. They had of course both died years earlier. Mom was in her 90s. There are things we will never understand.


I once worked for a man who was quite wealthy and he decided to open a restaurant in Orlando one year. Very nice man who was a down to earth individual who cared for the people he employed. He shared a story with me one day about a close friend of his family, a woman named Nancy who had died from cancer the previous year.

About 6 months after her death, he received a call on his cell phone with the name "Nancy", but instead of showing her photo which was still programmed in his phone, a picture of her tombstone with her name on it showed up as the identifier of the person calling his cell phone. When he accepted the call, all he could hear was static. The number being used to call from was "333". It was indeed strange and unexplainable.

He stated to me that he never took a photo of her grave and he took it as a sign to never forget her or her family, so he said he continued to pray for them for courage and strength long after her death.


As a nurse of 20 years, yes we open the window so the soul doesn't get trapped


I’ve heard SO many hospital & nursing home stories of black shadows being seen right before a death. We automatically think of something black as negative but maybe it’s the angel of death coming to collect the person’s soul & not a negative thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


My grandson was in the NeoNatal Premature Baby Unit. The unit was named after the doctor that started it. Every evening at 5 pm the main door to ward would open and close said it was the deceased founder leaving for the day. It was not an automatic door. I used to watch out for it,


My Grandma was from Austria. She always said windows were to be open at least a little to allow the soul to leave. An mirrors needed to be cover so they couldn't be trapped in it.


I am not a nurse but 2 women are on my husband’s side. The open window thing is done prior to death to hasten the passing… and somehow this came up at our rehearsal dinner (of course my mom and dad knew this was the right family for me! LoL). In the days prior to her death my mom, who was always cold, asked for the window to be opened. Of course I opened it. Took a week… keep on with these! And grateful for the YouTube algorithm. 👏👏👏


You don't have to OPEN A WINDOW to let the Spirit out, believe me!!!! Ask someone who's had an NDE .


I was a CNA at a hospital. In empty rooms we could see orbs flying around when we turned on the monitors in those rooms. 😮


All my years of nursing, CCU, ER, etc. Never ever heard, saw a co worker open a window at a death until reading few yrs ago on a nurses site..when my mom in law passed, the window was opened, by me...


My nurse friend told me they had an exorcism performed in one of the operating rooms, yikes!


Not saying that I believe in Death as a being or a black shadow shape but I had something freaky happen right after my mother died. Have never had anything like this happen before or since and i hope to never experience it again. I have never told anyone what I am going to tell you but since we are on this subject, here goes: My mom had died and I was living alone in the house where she died. One night I went to sleep, exhausted from work and had the scariest dream. I guess it was a dream, anyway. it seemed very real, though. I could see myself down on my bed asleep, it was like I was floating above or something. A great big black shape, like it was wearing a black hooded cloak, came into the room and stood over my body on the bed. It kept getting closer & closer to me. I started to panic and was trying to wake myself up and then I snapped awake in real life, gasping for air and fumbling for the light. I got it turned on and nothing was there. I had really expected that thing to be in the room, it was like I could feel its presence. No idea what this even meant! It was probably caused by all of the emotional pain and stress I was going through from losing my mom but I'll never know for sure. Completely terrifying, whatever it was! 😳


I was listening to Mortis Media. And ran across your channel. Awesome stuff. I subbed.


Dad has neuropathy in his feet. He says it feels like his feet are on fire.


I used to work at masonic home and i had a missed call from there at around 12:03 a.m. w a voicemail and in the voicemail it was my daughter who was about a year old wimpering and wining in her sleep most unexplained thing ever


Found you today & subbed. Great stories!


The story of the baby that death was stalking reminds me that we as nurses are actual reaper snatchers. One aspect of ghost stories I am fascinated with is phone calls from the dead so many people have experienced this. My dad called my sister after passing and said he was cold and to come get him. This upset me so. You could do an episode on this. They say the dead can manipulate electricity and electronics and phone lines. There is actually a book “Phone Calls From The Dead”.
