How to Install AND GIVEAWAY the Raspberry Pi Zero W on the Prusa MK3

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Are you interested in learning how to install the Raspberry Pi Zero W on your Prusa MK3?! The Prusa MK3 3D printer has a motherboard that allows for the Raspberry Pi Zero W to just be plugged in after a few pins are soldered to the board. Check out this video as I go through the process, and as a bonus I tell you how to enter for a chance to win your very own Raspberry Pi Zero! You can then install it on your Prusa MK3 or use it for anything else you want. Let me know what you guys think, and thank you for watching.

Georges Gadgets FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!

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Please watch: "Install a buck converter on YOUR 3D printer for the raspberry pi"
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Don't forget to enter in the giveaway, it ends in 15 days!


One more noteworthy bit is that the files you are editing are in /boot, which is that partition that mounts on your computer. It is where you changed the wifi settings. You could have just changed the settings there and saved a bit of time. Good note changing the password though. I need to make a video about octoprint security.


Just a little tip on the soldering. Pick up a pack of disposable makeup brushes and the real ticket is liquid flux. You can spread the liquid flux appropriately with the brushes. The flux works really well, and your work stays clean. Also, it looks like you may be using 60-40 solder. Do yourself a favor and pick up some 63-37. This solder melts much more uniformly, which substantially decreased risk of a cold joint. I like to use .031 diameter solder for general purposes.
The brushes can be bought on amazon for like 10 cents a piece. The liquid flux can be purchased at a hobby store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels in the isle where they sell stained glass stuff.


Thanks for the shout out. You didn't have to do that. If there is one thing I noticed though, I BELIEVE that OctoPrint will realize your SD card for you on the first boot. Don't quote me on that, but I've never expanded the storage on octoprint and it has always given me the full size. Glad to see you got the Raspberry Pi zero working.


George’s Gadgets: When the hair is bare, the gadgets are there.


awesome! Octoprint is a very handy tool! are there any benefits to the soldered gpio header vs just running a full sized rpi and using a usb cable? (other then cable management)


great video. you actually went into the details of how to directly connect it up. question: where does prusa's specific settings & stuff make it into octoprint? i see you have a profile selected there. in another video i saw he made it but was brief on the details.

how does octopi know you're using a mk3 i3 and not something else with 6 arms?

also great video by the way. kiss kiss.


Doesn't look like a terribly hard process.
If everything is working, your solders are probably alright.
From what I could see in the video, there is some risk of what is known as a cold solder, which might not be making perfect contact.
If you have some problems, with it not working, you can always re-flow the solder, to seat it better.

It helps, to heat the pin, and melt the solder against the pin, rather than the iron. It ensures the pin is hot enough, to get a good solid connection.

I doubt there is any real fire risk, above what is already present in just using a 3D printer, so as long as it works, you should be in good shape :)


I like your Windows backdrop, but if you can zoom the specific windows you're typing in it'd be easier to read.
Thanks for a great video!


Nice video. Looking forward to the video that shows attaching a camera to this.


Another great informative video! I would love to do this model when I get my Prusa MK3. Thanks again for yet another great helpful video!


Hey George - Raspberry Pi Zero W - The "W" is important :-)


Dude!!! Another great video! Keep it up. Love every video you make! I need to get me some of that raspberry pie 😍


is it even worth using the Pi Zero W as I heard it has extreme lag


How long are your pins that you used that you soldered? I think the regular lenght is to short. Kind of important.
Also you kind of skipped where you should solder this on.


I was looking at some other tutorials. So did you use extra-long headers? Or do standard ones work fine?


"Welcome to Georges Gadgets... let's go baldly where no one has gone before."


Cool video. Will need to do this when my MK3 arrives in the next couple of weeks!

Автор I'm so dead right now. rofl


1. never use plumbing flux for electronics, it will slowly destroy your parts.
2. the RPi Zero shouldn't be able to handle camera and printing at the same time.
