The Jewish Sorcerer: Paul Episode 6 | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

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The Apostle Paul underwent a radical transformation when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus - but what was Paul like before this moment? Join Pastor Allen in this revealing episode in his study on the Apostle Paul! Join Pastor Allen Nolan for a brand-new sermon series on the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul! Paul was a monumental figure in the early church and wrote 13 of the 27 New Testament Books of the Bible (14 if you count the book of Hebrews). Apart from Jesus, no other person has been as influential in forming the doctrinal views of Christianity. Paul has been referred to as the 2nd Founder of Christianity (with Jesus being the first). In this sermon, Pastor Allen explores the early life of the Apostle Paul, and why his life is worth learning about.
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My son sent me a link to watch you about a year ago. I am turning 65 tomorrow & in all my years of searching for answers to the meaning of the word of God. I have never had anyone explain it so that I got the true meaning like you have. I feel truly blessed after all these years to have access to your services. Thank You, for all that you do because its a blessing to me & so many others seeking understanding! P.S. I love the invitation at the end of your services.


Amen! Thank you for sharing! Praise our LORD CHRIST JESUS!


Pastor Allen is a good teacher and very knowledgeable on the word of God. Very few pastors teach like him. All glory be to Jesus Christ.


That’s good teaching Pastor Nolan. I praise the Lord for leading me to your teachings. Thank you.


I absolutely love this. Thank you, Pastor Alan.


I have just taken my breakfast and it is so good(like Jeremiah in Jer 15:16)! Thank you Ptr for another great teaching. I am blessed. Praying that you may have more years of abundantly blessed, fruitful, and joyful life in Christ Jesus our Lord!


Pastor Allen Nolan, great presentation, thanks for sharing.😊


Pastor Allen Nolan, You're amazing! Let's be friends and have fun together!


Study and learn so much today about Paul and Barnabas, thank you Pastor Nolan for that introduction of Acts 14:11-13, I always wondering why they consider both gods amazing your teachings, now I know the legend those men believe, Praise God for all the wisdom and knowledge Pastor has, I will continue pray for his Ministry and family


That's good Pastor... When Paul and Barnabas split they doubled the ministry in preaching the Good News 😀👍


Ive read over these comments and i have no need to type bc you all have said every thing and any thing i could say!


Just discovered your channel, I LOVE your teaching, it's amazing!


Thank you Pastor Nolan for your wonderful clear teachings! I am so grateful that God led my family and I to you, all the way from Australia, where we now consider you our pastor and Cornerstone Fellowship our church 🙏
One thing my family and I have been wondering lately as we have been discussing the rapture is what happens to children that are raptured under the age of accountability? Will they be given glorified bodies and enter into the milenium like us immortal and never need to be accountable for choosing Jesus for themselves? Or would they possibly be raptured in their mortal state and continue to live as mortals in the milenium? I have tried to search for the answer to this in your sermons and also in the bible, I am not sure if I am missing it but I would love to know your biblical stance on this if the bible mentions it 🙏 Thank you and may God continue to bless and protect you and our church!


In your previous sermon on Paul you mentioned bring the people to church. What about those who were in church and today believe they were "lied to/ignored/treated as a lesser person/ignotec by those who should know better. 3 of my 4 siblings won't set foot in church and don't trust Christians as we were too poor, not good enough, from the wrong side of the tracks etc. The Baptist pastor visited us once and the first thing he did is complain about the quality of chair he had to sit on. Out youth pastors (3) never set foot in our home. By God's grace I am here (63) but my 2 sisters and my brother have questions of Christians, of God and my one sister has mixed universalism, eastern practices and new ageism into her concept of Christianity and nothing will get her church. Neither my brother and sister. My elder sister has her own walk with Christ that I don't understand but her and her husband deem to know
All I can do is pray as getting them to church is a miracle of God's doing.


Pastor Allen, does that mean the more one studies the Bible, the more apt they are to identify the Word of Knowledge? (Edit: at 36:25).


So disappointed that pastor Allen believes the letters to the churches are time periods of the rise of different churches. History of the time indicates this is not the case and the letters were written to the churches at the time and directly relate to what was happening in them at the time. So sad, he almost had me thinking he knew what he was talking about. Instead he spouts what he learned in seminary Same thing they taught the ignorant when instant history was not at our fingertips. Shame shame shame - stop making things up and read Bible for what it says.
