how to get better at Roblox Rise Of Nations INSTANTLY

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this video will teach you how to get better at Roblox Rise Of Nations INSTANTLY just by watching this video

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In my opinion, (my play style) I justify on isle of man/ireland if im uk, take isle, make steel+motor+fertilizer factories, then i go for other nations, sell elecs, good video btw.


Dude explained game basics in a minute


Dude explained in a minute something I could not figure out in 2 years.


dang bro this guy just straight up told everything, im sending this to my friend


bro i love how you just got into the point it feels like i am watching a step by step vid


I have found making 5 main armies and given them each a general and a group works the best for me if one of those generals dies in combat you still have 4 more generals that are able to fight and you could assign one to maybe defense of your country, normally my main armies have maxed troops and tanks but in larger conflicts that require a lot of waiting around I will double the troop and tank unit size and I will get artillery and anti air

Thats just for combat you would need a huge economy to set all of that up


To get more in-depth strategy, here's my experience in RON; If you're playing as a moderately powerful country (like UK), you have two methods of early game:
*Option 1:* 4 electronics and later a motor and steel factory This method allows you to trade more electronics to AI (5 electronics max amount of trade but may vary based on AI income) which can bump up the economy to 7-8m income just from trades if you included the factory output II and Public Service Act policy (102 units of electronic flow). However, this can delay your tank builds since you have to build motor & steel factory since one electronic factory costs 25m and you only have 100m budget at the start so I don't recommend doing this for smaller countries (like Austria) that has an aggressive country as your neighbour (like a berserk Germany) and use the 2nd option. Tanks are the most powerful asset in early game so there's no point of building an economy next to an aggressive country if only your outpowered infantries and dwindling manpower are the only ones defending dozens of divisions. For resources you should buy 8 units of gold and copper (9 units for both can be optional), later 2 tungsten and 1 titanium (these resources may be scarce depending on the amount of ppls in the server or that one annoying country who just hogs or bought all these useful resources), 4 units of iron and buy between 22-12 units of oil for tank divisions (1 tank divisions needs 2 units of oil). Then in mid-game, build another motor factor and buy 2 units tungsten, then 2 more electronic factories and buy 4 units of copper and gold, 4 units of phosphates for a fertiliser factory, then buy 3 civilian factories for stability boost and trade remaining consumer goods to AI (they're very profitable).

*Option 2:* 2 electronics and a motor and a steel factory This method may half the expected income from method 1 (3-4m income) but this economy should be sufficient for tank builds as having a tank production at early makes you one of the most militarised country in the server. This can be used for moderately powerful countries but it's the best method for smaller countries with an aggressive neighbour since you can have an alr economy and some tank divisions to defend and potentially counter-attack the invader. Research and policies could do the following as method 1 but there's other variations to gain more benefits than just Factory Output II and Public Service Act. In terms of resources, 4 units of gold and copper needed and 2 tungsten and 1 titanium, 4 units of iron and buy between 6-10 units of oil (you could buy more oil but that will make you go into deficit which you don't want in early game). Then in mid-game, build another motor factor and buy 2 units tungsten, then 2 more electronic factories and buy 4 units of copper and gold, 4 units of phosphates for a fertiliser factory, then buy 3 civilian factories for stability boost and trade remaining consumer goods to AI (they're very profitable).

This is just an average strategy every RON intermediates and masters use to get an upper hand, but some countries have ideologies (like North Korea with communism) which gives you huge buffs yet negative outcomes. So here's the variations:

*Democracy variation*

Democracy at early game gives you over the double amount of income (like USA and Japan) which comes very useful on early game (+110%). but being democratic means being a pacifist at a cost, meaning that any justifications (except liberation) gives you stability penalty, manpower decrease and longer justification time which in my personal opinion sucks a lot but these negatives can be neutralise if you build consumer goods factories for and have the ability to be patient and being smart with manpower and justification time. For early game I recommend justify immediately on Ai countries and use Option 1 but build more consumer goods, electronics, and motor factories to satisfy the population into stability boom. After that declare war on finished justified countries (be aware of your stability).

*Socialism and Communist variation*

Communism and Socialism is the most useful ideology in early game, you can justify quicker, more manpower, more factory output, military upkeep discounts and war exhaustion decline. I would definite recommend Option 1 and try to make consumer goods that satisfy the population (See democracy variation about consumer goods) but if your country is communist, use Forced Labour policy since it has more benefits and a lot cheaper political power and expense requirements than Public Service Act. Now once factories done, justify AI nations. The only downside is the economy penalty from communism but it won't be a problem anyway.

If your country is an island, I would recommend this:

Use option 1 for economy, then immediately build naval fleets, I would build 1 submarine, 1 destroyer and 1 battleship per fleet army. You can build more fleet armies but be aware of your economy and oil deficit which 3 fleets should be enough, I would buy more oil just to cover the cost of the naval defense and tank divisions. Then start justifying AI nations for money and possibly resource sites, whilst that you can build your army. Then go to military and get yourself either capital fleet doctrine or a naval admiral. Then in mid-game get more ships and some aircraft carriers to achieve naval superiority. Optional but very useful if build aircraft manufacturer factory (2 chromium, 2 titanium, and 2 aluminium) and build some attackers and fighters for air superiority. This strat is perfect to counter aggressive players and can quickly make your enemy regret taking you on.

If your neighbour is an aggressive player and you're a small nation I would recommend:

Use option 2 and then start fortifying the whole country. Policies can be Public Service Act/Forced Labour policy but make sure to research Tank Amour or Firepower II. Next use all your manpower to mobilise the army and recruit an army brigadier and later mass attack (If you're an island, use the island strat instead and don't follow this aggressive-player strat). After your manpower is recovered focus on tanks and build fortresses on key cities (like square cities, capital city and some key resource-sited cities). Also make sure to join a faction if available and once the invasion is over immediate leave the faction cuz faction sucks. Make sure to make artillery units (2 divisions of artillery would do) and anti-air units if the enemy has aircraft or having aircraft manufacturer. Once war declared stay in a strong defensive position until either the enemy starts to dwindle in manpower & having weak divisions and you can start a counterattack or starts to offering white peace or concede terms and you can accept it to continuing occupying AI nations. Make sure to situate your artillery guarded by tanks or infantries and anti-air by mountains, they can snipe down incoming enemies and greatly devastate by casualties. If you're on a biome, make sure to train them in biome specialists training to get more buffs (e.g. jungle biome allows jungle-trained divisions to entrench faster. faster mobility and high defense bonuses), they may be costly based on the amount of divisions trained but can offer huge benefits before the war. Whilst going into defensive positions based on land, start focusing on air superiority and naval superiority to wear them down easily and negotiate nearby countries to join the war against the enemies, some aggressive go-getters cannot handle more than two frontlines which the more people joined, the more likely to push them back, don't accept peace though just let your allies do the job.

Overall, these strats are the best in the game. You can combine strats to make your country more manageable (like if you're Japan, I would recommend use the Democracy Variation and the Island strat). These strats may not guarantee victory if your trades got declined by AI cuz some other pro players managed to sell before you, please reply this comment if there's any improvements to include.


Don't always rely on electronics, once game starts progressing and people start playing as good countries and taking out ai your choices of selling go down, if you joined in 2019, sell elecs to usa, Iran, china or any developed country, chances are they going to be ai for a while


Damn that was quick but I do legit every thing u do in Ron already lmao


This taught me more that my 12 years in school


My strat for Poland is to make one motor factory, steel manufactory, and electronic factory. Get the required trades and go to the tech tree and max as much economic improvements as you can. Then, build up tanks in Warsaw with the mass attack doctrine. Justify on Slovakia and Czech if you can, then prepare for Germany. Once Germany declares, rush his capital with a 1.2k tank unit or more, and tank spam your way to victory!

Oh yeah, almost forgot, use the Neutrality Act policy and research into stability, you will need it.


This man got so good that France became the Soviet Union


pro tip if you slow him down you will still see him go faster than a beginner can handle


i have another way:
1: get 4 electronic factories
2: start justifying AI quickly and probably go for city countries
3: quickly sell your electronics and build a motor factory and steel and not in the same city to speed it up
4: start making tanks and get a general, also in technology get firepower 2 for your tanks and armour 1 (you can only do firepower 2 to)
5: go for players as your size and get a navy
6: and get planes if you have common sense of the position of your enemy
7: get a main army
8: and be focused AND DO NOT SPAM
1: do not spam tanks, only if the player is weakenned you can probably spam tanks so he wont be able to get a army
2: abandon most of your lands and fortify your defended lands if your russia or you have no choice
3: if your in a naval war situation (aka south korea vs japan and your SK), get quickly a navy and destroy the spawned ships that your enemy builds to decrease his navy size
4: study your neighbours, how they act and their strats so you can easly destroy them by counter acting their strat
5: if your enemy has no defense against against airforce, make bombers and wait until he realises to get anti air
6: since new players are starting to join the game, look how they attack to other AI and go for them first, if they 10K spam, make a line of tanks and infantry
7: GET LIMITED, it will be important for your man power. But dont get it if you're bangladesh or a country with alot of mp storage, and dont also get it if you gain allready mp fast
8: get facism, it will be usefull for your economy and stability. if your not non aligned when you start, keep your ideology.

ain this good enough?


what do you do when your stability gets lower? I know that taking over a lot of land gives a lot of unrest which makes bad stability? do you not plan for that and leave before that happens or..?


New players should start at a secluded country like New Zealand to not be bothered by others and learn with time


not screwing around with a 10 minute video just pure kknowledge


The hardest part about the game is getting resources to keep your factories running. I wish there was a way to get these natural resources to make factories without buying them from other countries


I remember watching this in 2022. When I was a new rise of nations player,
this helped me a lot and I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this video,
good content 👍
