Drama at EU summit in Versailles Palace! Macron warns of gas from Russia!

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Emmanuel Macron found alarming words at the EU summit in Versailles on the occasion of the war in Ukraine. Europe must prepare for all scenarios related to Russian gas, the French President stressed to reporters at the beginning of the summit.

According to Macron, Russia can use gas supplies as leverage. He took note of the statement by Russian leader Vladimir Putin that the supply of Russian energy resources to Europe should continue. “But by when… Nobody knows,” added Macron.

In addition, the French leader spoke about the dependence and vulnerability of European countries in this matter. However, France is less dependent on Russian gas than a number of other European countries.

Macron was not confident about a negotiated solution and an early end to the war: “I am concerned and pessimistic. There will be no solution in the next few hours and days.” Nevertheless, he maintains close contact with Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin. “We will speak to Putin again in the coming hours.”

Regarding the energy supply for Austria, Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) underlined: In the short term, the energy storage facilities for the next winter can be filled, in the medium term Austria is trying to get away from dependence on Russian gas, “it’s a lengthy process”.

The EU heads of state also discussed how to cushion the economic consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine with a new investment package. “In a crisis it is always necessary to invest against the crisis,” said Nehammer. “Investments are now necessary and important, as is doing them collectively.”

Nehammer was again hesitant about Ukraine joining the EU. Such an application for membership is “extremely lengthy and very complex”. Ukraine now needs solidarity as well as quick and unbureaucratic help. There are also applications for membership from Georgia and Moldova, and states in the Western Balkans are also very interested in joining.

The European Union's economic and strategic autonomy will be top of the agenda at an informal two-day meeting of its leaders, starting on Thursday in Versailles, France. Discussions at the casual summit, hosted by President Emmanuel Macron, are expected to build on unity developed around the Ukraine crisis, the bloc's dependence on imported energy and its reliance on the NATO military alliance.
#Versailles #France #Macron #Russia #Ukraine #Energy #inflation
In a published invitation letter to members of the European Council ahead of the meeting, its chief Charles #Michel said: "In the light of recent events, it is more urgent than ever that we take decisive steps toward building our sovereignty, reducing our dependencies and designing a new growth and investment model."

A draft of the EU summit declaration said leaders would pledge to "phase out" the bloc's dependence on Russian gas, oil and coal. Plans to cut Russian gas imports by two-thirds within a year were outlined by the European Commission on Tuesday. Russia supplies almost 40 percent of EU gas and a quarter of its oil, said the Associated Press.

The Financial Times said "rapid decision making" achieved by the EU in the past two weeks had "confounded critics", but noted that differences remain on "wider strategic objectives", such as energy investment strategy.

Michel recently described a "surge of unity" in the bloc in response to the conflict in Ukraine. In a March 1 social media post, he said: "The Europe of Defense was born this weekend. Today we witness a surge of unity that is unfailing. Confronted with the essential, we chose to be solid."

Michel also said this week that Ukraine's EU membership application would be discussed, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told Euronews that admission for Ukraine was a realistic prospect.

Euronews analysis said the crisis "had injected the EU with the overdue resolve it needed to truly face up to the adverse geopolitics of its surroundings, brushing aside any remaining taboos and prejudices".

The EU made an unprecedented decision last month to send 450 million euros ($500 million) in military aid to Ukraine for weapons. It has never previously funded the arming of a country at war.

Macron is expected to push for deeper EU military cooperation at the summit. On Monday, he said: "We cannot depend on others to defend ourselves, whether on land, at sea, under the sea".

Writing in the New Statesman, Mujtaba Rahman, an expert on geopolitical risk with the Eurasia Group, said: "The French president has long argued that Europe must seize control of its own destiny and become equal partners with Washington - and an independent actor - in shaping decisions on the economy, foreign policy, defense and, crucially, Europe's own defense industries.

"At some point, however, the EU will have to take stock and adjust its policies and institutions to this new reality - especially how it manages foreign, security, defense and fiscal policy."
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