UN Srebrenica genocide resolution would create 'political havoc': Serbian president | AFP

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Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic warned Thursday that if the UN General Assembly voted to create a Srebrenica genocide memorial day it would "open old wounds and that will create complete political havoc."

N.B.: AFP’s services and content are for professional use only
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Croatia even had children concentration camps during ww2....


Just imagine when Germany says something about


It's so disturbing to see people justifying Serb actions in the war. I just visited the Srebrenica memorial this week, and literally puked looking at the horrifying exhibits. There have been documentaries where Serb forces were hosting "human hunting" tours for pervert westerner tourists in Sarajevo during the seige. Rape camps ? The Serbs were expert at using it not only against Bosnians, but also Croats. They tried the same in Kosovo, only to be jacked in the ass by NATO. So no, nothing that you say is gonna justify the actions


The Kragujevac massacre was the mass murder of between 2, 778 and 2, 794 mostly Serb men and boys in Kragujevac[a] by German soldiers on 21 October 1941. It occurred in the German-occupied territory of Serbia during World War II, and came as a reprisal for insurgent attacks in the Gornji Milanovac district that resulted in the deaths of ten German soldiers and the wounding of 26 others. The number of hostages to be shot was calculated as a ratio of 100 hostages executed for every German soldier killed and 50 hostages executed for every German soldier wounded, a formula devised by Adolf Hitler with the intent of suppressing anti-Nazi resistance in Eastern Europe.- Wikiperdia.
Kids from school. Yes, kids from school. And now they are accusing someone of something.


I am not supporter of our president and I do not like majority of his policies, however here you deliberately cut his speech. He was speaking about the numbers and point that Germans during WW2 together with their allies in the Balkans executed 100s of thousands of Serbs that suffered the most casualties comparing to anyone in the region and even were forced to concertation camps dedicated only for them. For such atrocities there was never an "remembrance day" established neither for Kragujevac massacre (for which he gives comparation with Srebrenica) where Germans executed children's from the schools entering the classes and bringing them in columns to be shouted as a retribution for Serbian resistance while most of the Europe were kissing German legs at that time. Jasenovac one of the largest and most brutal concentration Camps in Europe where by minimum estimate 120.000 people perished (mostly Serbs) never had an UN "remembrance day" but Srebrenica have. Not against remembering the victims it is important but such a selective and hypocritical way of making resolutions showing the clear face of so called "democratic west" who is only looking into their interests.


As a romanian I'm sorry Serbia. I'm schocked. I didn't expect such a vote. Spain, Czehia and Montenegro the same as Romania. But our president is german...I'm sad.😢 At least my country doesn't recognize Kosovo.


6000 Muslims killed in Srebrenica, mostly soliders, 3000 Serbs killed around Srebrenica, mostly civilians. Seems like a civil war to me. Muslim forces used support of West to kill Serbs around protected zone which Srebrenica was, knewing they are safe to do it. Serbs had all perpetrators convicted in ICC, while Muslims never had one. Thats why it will never be called genocide. compared to millions of deaths Germany or Ruanda caused.


Ελλάς Σερβία Συμμαχία 🇬🇷🇷🇸


Serbia 🇷🇸 a proud country with great history 🍀🍀🍀 regards from Miami 🇺🇸


Serbia was the first nation that had legislatively forbidden slavery in the 14th century in the Serbian empire.
Because Serbs were occupied for 5 centuries by Ottomans and suffered from their hands and hands of their vassals Albanians and Bosnians. Because in WWI Serbia lost a third of its entire population to bring defeat to Central powers. Because in WWII Serbs were the only nation in Europe who fought against Nazzis for the entire duration. And in WWII more than 1, 2 millions of Serbs died in concentration camps (Germans, Croats, Bosnians as perpetrators).
In the 90's first civilian casualties were Serbs being killed by Bosnians. In Srebrenica Serbs killed Muslims men AFTER those Muslims men killed more than 3200 Serbian civilians (including children, women and elders).

No nation was ever trialed for the crimes against Serbs. Neither Germany, nor Croats, Bosnians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Americans for the 90's...
And now, they are grouped together to exercise US hold over its vassals in order to portray Serbs as some villains.

That is why Vucic has a smirk. And that is why every sane person should have a smirk when talking with the most evil nations in the world, Americans, Germans, English etc.
Colonisers and warmongering maniacs gathered to sue and trial nation that has valiant historical efforts of bringing freedoms and rights not only to itself but to the other nations as well. Serbs should hold their heads proud and high, especially in the presence of "western" barbarians.


Britain is seeking to pass a UN resolution that labels the Serbs as a genocidal nation. However, it has never proposed a similar resolution addressing its own historical acts of genocide against Aboriginal Australians, Native American tribes, Africans during the slave trade, and numerous other atrocities.


The man who was a part of serbian agressor forces surrounding sieged Sarajevo giving lectures on the implications of the adoption of the resolution… It is because of people like you there was a need to adopt it!


Always ask, what happened the day before, and year before.. Ohhh, thousands of imported Jihadists from middle-east went on a rampage killing around 3, 500 Serbian civilians, actual villagers, young and old. Even the man himself, ''Osama Bin Laden'', was officially in Bosnia. Dont believe it? Research/Google it, he was there..


As a Macedonian I'm sorry
I never wanted this
I was against the resolution
I feel ashamed to be Macedonian
I'm sorry Serbia
🇲🇰 ❤️ 🇷🇸


Where is the all entire speech? Again is all about to silent the Serbs.


He is trying to protect his country! If he will succed or fail, remains to be seen!


Sounds to me Vucic is making a threat, rather than foreseeing trouble.


I was originally going to comment something here, but then i realized halfway when i was typing that its not worth the effort and the nerves. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but there will be an "¡Ay Carmela!".


As a Romanian i am glad we voted in favor of the resolution. Voting in favor does not mean being against Serbia. It means being in favor with human rights and decency


This man first time in his life told the truth.
