December 25th On Trial - Why do Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th? - Jim Staley

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Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Did the Catholic Church intentionally change the birthday of Christ to cover up an existing pagan holiday? Jim Staley takes you on a journey back in time to answer once and for all the question of 'Did Christmas come from pagan origins?' In this easy-to-watch documentary, all the evidence is laid out before you, including ancient Roman documents, Catholic bishops, and quotes from early Church writers. No stone is left unturned in December 25th on Trial as Jim reveals the real truth of what the enemy has really been trying to hide this entire time.

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00:00 Promo Video
00:35 Introduction
04:46 Pontius Maxima quote
06:29 St. Augustine quote
07:40 Examples of winter solstice worship all over the world throughout time
10:35 Why did Satan choose to connect physical temples to sun god worship?
13:43 Plutarch quote
14:49 Bishop Epiphanius of Solomon quote
16:42 Roman Calendar of 354 A.D.
18:18 Sol Invictus minted on Roman coins
19:14 Emperor Julian quote
19:49 Catholic Encyclopedia says sun god's birthday was December 25th
20:20 When the Roman Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
21:35 Pliny quote-Proof the winter solstice was originally on December 25th
22:36 Other cultures that worshipped the winter solstice
24:54 Yule Day is the same as Odin's Day
25:18 Church of Satan quote
26:49 Tertullian (155-220AD) says that Christians were joining in the pagan feast of Saturnalia
29:16 Bishop Martin (575ad) says the entire celebration is pagan
30:33 Jacob Bar-Salibi (1100s) says the Catholic Church changed the date of Christ's birth to December 25th to prevent Christians from celebrating a pagan feast
33:15 Didn't the Roman Church choose December 25th because early Church Fathers chose that date?
33:39 Clement Miles (1912) says that early writers guessed dates from every month of the year
34:36 Hyppolitus of Rome (3rd c.)-supposedly chose Dec. 25th as birthday of Christ
36:03 Julius Sextus Africanus- supposedly chose December 25th as birthday of Christ
38:24 Recap of all the evidence
42:35 Final Verdict
45:08 The REAL Holiday Calendar of God
48:30 Overview Video of the Feast Days of the Lord

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✅ About Passion For Truth Ministries:

Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

Going back to the Christian Roots of our faith has freed literally millions of people around the world from the traditions and doctrines of men, allowing them to truly serve our Creator YHWH in both Spirit and Truth.

Why do we do what we do here at PFT? Because the Truth can only do one thing: Set Us Free!

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ─ John 8:32
"Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth" ─ John 17:17

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this valuable program!!
I am 75 yrs old. I stopped celebrating Christmas about 50 yrs ago. I read a magazine article called, " The plain truth about Christmas!" Since then I taught my whole family the truth and we all stopped worshipping Christmas.
I researched and found there are indeed Biblical Holy days to celebrate instead.
Erich from New Zealand.


I don't call myself a Christian, and I stopped celebrating Christmas.. I believe in God, I believe in Yeshua and trying to follow the word.. Without belonging to a reglion..


If we love God, then we follow HIS WAYS.


Knowledge is indeed power. My children perish because of lack of knowledge. If people took time to unlearn the lies and learn the truth it would help humanity greatly. 😊


I learned thus as a child. My father was very wise, finding this information without the internet so I’m so thankful that people are learning this now!


I like how detailed & very informative this video is. Facts not emotions. More Christians & gentiles should hear this


Great explanation. People must be “willing” for their eyes to be opened.


I broke the curse of celebrating Christmas last year with my family. So I'm relieved to know my son and future generations will no longer take part in worshipping the devil.


The more I study about the history of Christianity, the more I am shocked and saddened by the deceit I have been raised on. Thank you for your videos, they are very enlightening. About 2 years ago I started following a Messianic Jewish Fellowship. They keep the Sabbath and all the teachings of the old and new testaments, they accept Jesus as the Messiah. I always wondered why as Catholics/Christians we were not not only taught all the Jewish customs/festivals, we were not taught to practice them. I left the Catholic church and all of it's evil teachings, they are the anti-Christ! Not going to lie, It has been and continues to be a struggle to let go of things that I was taught; but, I am doing it and will continue to understand Bible truth.


Wow this video taught me a lot about christmas I did not know before 😮 Anyone else coming from Michel's story post?


My most favorite reply when confronted with the paganism of Christmas, they say you are right its just the day we choose to celebrate Jesus birthday. Clearly they aren't ready to receive the truth.


Thank you Jim for uplifting the truth in verity.

Yes, It's so ridiculous that God never asks us to remember the date of His incarnation but we make it up to go along with the tradition of another strange gods. God asks us to remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, because He has created us, and sanctify us.
God bless you, Jim !


As a Christian, it really makes no difference to me when Jesus was born, what is important is that He was born among us that’s main point, so I can care less what day it was, thank you very much !


I stumbled upon this by chance and what an eye opener for me as a Christian. Thank you and warmest greetings from South Africa.


This video is an excellent & well researched case for Truth! I will listen to it and share it many, many times! Thank you for your diligence and Passion for Truth! ❤❤❤❤


Job 14:4 Who can bring a clean [thing] out of an unclean? No one!


I used to say "It doesn't matter how we worship, as long as we 'love' each other." Well in my recent studies, I have read where God has said "I do NOT want to be worshiped this way." and "If you love me, this is how you will worship me."
I am thankful for this channel helping to show me how the ways I used to worship were basically giving God the finger and saying at the same time "It doesn't matter how I worship, I was loving you!"


I cannot thank you enough for producing this amazing video. I had no idea how to explain the evil behind Christmas but now I can share your video. God bless you


God bless you Jim. God has gifted you with an excellent mind for evidence / truth finding. Praise Jesus!


*Hebrews 5:6*
Yeshua is a High priest forever in *THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK* No begining or ending 🙏 *Come Yeshua Ha-MaShiach* 🙏