How to Create a Multichannel Drum Mix in Reason (Steven Slate Drums)

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The process of exactly how to route a multichannel mix in Reason can be a bit confusing when using third-party VST's. In this video, we go over how to route a stereo multi-channel mix from Steven Slate Drums (SSD5.5 Free Edition). The routing methods used here can be applied to other similar types of VST's and is a fairly universal process in Reason.

Apologies for the small section that features robot-voice in the recap portion of the video.

Zombie Fights Shark creates educational videos and ReFills for Reason, music creation software made by Propellerheads, sound packs for Ableton Live, Kontakt Libraries, and wav files that work for all DAW's.

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Thanks. Output 1&2 of course. I was just thinking that was only Master out for the ssd. If you use mix channels instead of tracks you don't have to route directly to the insert and you can just drop your inserts without having to reroute each time because the mix channels have an audio in, unlike the audio track


Hi there

Excellent! I was hoping you would delve into the Microphone & Routing topics that the SS5 currently uses. Whenever I edit the Microphone paths it messes up the Routing so I'm not following the layout.
I want to isolate these to their own outs & currently if I turn down the first channel "Kick in" it also turns off channel 2 "Kick Out". Why is this happening? There doesn't seem to be any independence in the mixer. I can't turn off the blue selector that I thought acted like a switch to connect the signal to the desired path.
I hope you can clarify this for me!


Howdie Mr Shark,

Did you have any issues installing and running SSD5.5 Free the first time?

I'm on the latest R11 (and have R12 Beta on-board) but SSD5.5 just locks up the moment the window gets opened. I have to slaw R11 from the Task Manager every time.


Seem to be the person to ask and this may sound very rookie but I'm having trouble finding a video showing how to drop my slate drums into Reason. I got it installed, know how to load drums but stuck as to how to drag the drums into the channels to record over. Thanks in advance


Hi Dude. How do you make this free version work in Reason? Anytime I tried it, it will later freeze REASON (and sometimes the whole computer). I don't think my computer specs are the problem. I own an Acer Nitro517-54 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz. Any idea?


When i open the VST in reason, the SSD5 stay freezing, do you know about the problem?
