How do you Pray to the Norse Gods?

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Be sure to check out Of Axe and Plough. Marc produces in depth articles that are incredibly well researched.

In this video we examine the various parts of a pagan prayer and discuss why and when we pray as pagans.

music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Prayer, Pagans and Latent Christianity
01:14 - Do I stand or do I kneel?
02:00 - How did Heathens pray and how should I?
02:37 - The Prayer - 1. The Invocation (Invocatio) - The Who
03:26 - The Prayer - 2. The Argument (Pars Epica) - The Why
04:06 - The Prayer - 3. The Prayer (Precis) - The What
04:38 - The purpose of the structure
06:09 - Do I need to write my Prayer out first?
07:24 - Blót & Prayer - whats the difference?
07:46 - Do I need to have an offering?
09:09 - Who do I Pray to?
09:55 - Prayer & Landwights
10:54 - When do I Pray?
12:00 - Conclusion
Рекомендации по теме

When using norse code to discern the runes you shouldn't do it one rune at a time.

You should Hávamál laid out at once.


"I’ve never prayed or given offering to you before but I have felt your pull” that gave me goosebumps


As a new pagan who has come from the Christian faith, this was very helpful. The only channel I was listening to for the longest was The Wisdom of Odin. But I find your videos to have so much more factual and historical information. So ready to see more videos. Again, thank you. Gods guide you.


As someone who was raised without religion, I'm struggling to fall into prayer. But this video is helping, so thank you.


I told a Christian friend recently that I was Heathen his response was to ask me if I was “slitting chickens throats in my garden and offering them to the gods” my response was to ask him if he was burning unmarried women for practicing witchcraft in his garden to please his god, luckily we laughed and are still friends mainly because he’s not a devout Christian and hasn’t been to church for a long time


I do not know if you will see this, but I wish to thank you. For years I've heard of the Norse Pagan religion and Vikings, and something about them has always felt right. I was baptized Catholic but never attended church, nor did it feel right to pursue. But looking into the Norse Pagantry and reading about it's history and how it's taught and videos like this, make me feel like this is the right path that I am travelling on. I sometimes feel out of character aligning myself as a Norse Pagan, as I'm a mixed Mexican-American, but at the basis it simply feels right to me. These videos are an immense help, so I thank you truly.


I grew up in Sweden, in a village called Landvetter. I always thought it came from "direction and view of the land" but never considered that the "vetter" part also can mean spirits ("vätte", in Swedish).


"Norse code" the pun police are here 😂


When I pray I offer honey, food, and spices or scents. I prefer to use candles as prayer focal points. I try to only ask the Gods for aid when its a dire need. I use quick prayers to praise. I'm still new to paganism but I feel a strong connection to my Gods and I might be on the right track because I've noticed many of my practical requests are granted. I'm appreciative of the pagan community as a whole on YouTube. I feel more free as a pagan then ever as a Christian!


As one raised as a southern Baptist I remember prayers over feasts would take so long one would find themselves feeling quite faint with hunger in waiting for the ending of the prayer


I've come to this path alone with only small amounts of teaching. I'm absolutely binging your channel right now.


I've spent my life as an atheist, a while ago I started to find interest in norse paganism. For a long I put off my interests because I didn't know how to go about it, but thanks to videos like this I feel comfortable enough to start practicing. Thank you so, so much.


You had me at “ I was raised Southern Baptist so I can say that” haha. I was raise Irish Catholic so I see how we end up seeking the gods


This is exactly what I have been struggling with for the past couple of years since I began finding my way. I admit I have been trapped in the mindset of not wanting to pester the gods with "my small and trivial day to day things", and "Is THIS a worthy thing to pray to them for?", as well as "I don't have anything appropriate to offer, maybe it's best I just work through this one myself" so many times. Occasionally I direct a one-sided conversation when I'm alone to either Odin or Tyr when there is a difficult conundrum/dilemma that I need to put my thoughts into words to properly asses what's going on but I'm unsure if that really counts for anything. I like to think that including them in my inner dialogue helps align myself to them in some small way, but idk. I never really "got" how to pray to the Christian God, and I think that's carried over.


that norse dad joke at the beginning XD

and that southern baptist line about it being 2+ hours, I really felt that lol


It feels good to have some sort of guidance behind, but if anybody feels to do it otherwise, it is ok to deviate from that structure of course. The relationship with the gods is the most important thing


I pray mostly to Freyja. If I need to ask another deity for help, I ask Freyja to ask with me.

Freyja came to me before I knew who she was. I was just a young kid who was going through a really tough time and didn't have anybody who I could really TURN to. My family loved me, but things were tough for them, too, and they didn't have the time to help me. But, Freyja did. She has helped me so many times.


Nice to see this kind of intro content entering the YouTube stream. I think recent events have shown there are a LOT of people out there looking for it, and this is the kind of content they should find! Thanks for everything you do!


i would like to share something with prayer that made rny day earlier. i am traveling and the rain began to quickly get very heavy. even the lights of other cars were hard fo see, forget about seeing the road. i called upon any and all who were listening, thanked them for the beautiful rain, but asked all rain deities and anyone else in charge of water to thin the rain. right as i finished, the rain immediately lightened. i can’t stop thinking of how incredible it was. when i reach my destination and get settled, i’m making a foliage crown and laying it in the river, as an offering for their reign over the earth.


Wonderful video, and it's great to see you so active again!
