BUCHLA Music Easel Program CARDS - TimeLapse - Arturia Easel V / 208c Command Center - Bill T Miller

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i am currently "STILL AWAITING FULFILLMENT" of my BUCHLA EASEL COMMAND from FOXTONE MUSIC / BUCHLA (July 2020) - mine will be shipping soon.... THIS video is what i am up to for PREP and FUN.
UPDATE: EASEL landed here at HEADROOM Studios shortly after this vide and is way beyond expectations.
- Basically what you are HEARING in THIS VIDEO is me BILL T MILLER of ORGY OF NOISE on the Arturia Buchla Easel V Soft Synth (two different mono tracks for a stereophonic dimension ) set to a custom KRELL PATCH that was modeled after TODD BARTON and ALLEN STRANGE (and Bebe and Louis Barron Soundtrack for Forbidden Planet featuring KRELL explorations.) My adapted BTM KRELLO patch is pitched down for extra crunch and played with an Arturia MiniLab USB Keyboard (but mostly just let Krell patch evolve and devolve.)
- SEE PHOTOS by Bill T Miller of
- BUCHLA 2014 in concert featuring
- Don Buchla - electronic instruments
- Nannick Buchla - piano
- Joel Davel - percussion
!!!! THANX !!!!!
Also, check out BUCHLA on YOUTUBE... Adam Clark has an excellent GETTING STARTED with 208c tutorial.
- Mega THANX to TODD BARTON for being the keeper of the knowledge guru and guiding us to next level of Buchla Magick. His teachings of the KRELL PATCH and EASEL Program Cards expanding on the original ALLEN STRANGE 70s Buchla Manual are the keys. TODD expanded and at the same time translated the knowledge with more detail to make it even clearer. BARTON's and STRANGE's brain drippings helped form the basis of my KRELL PATCHs and my building of Easel Program Cards.
- Artural Buchla Easel V SoftSynth Software
You can get a FREE DEMO of Buchla Easel softsynth as well as ARP 2600, EMS SYNTHI and so many more... do it today. Sure we all want/need the real rare vintage hardware... but only a few can possess those.... in the real world YOU can be exploring those instruments NOW via soft synths and create yer own sonics ...and IF you ever get yer hands on a hardware version you will be ready to go.
- SUPER THANX to SHERI HAUSEY and Ziggy Cat for ALL.
- MOST of ALL - THANX to the GENIUS of the BRILLIANT LEGEND Mr. DON BUCHLA. I was lucky enough to witness him and concert and after the show have a CHAT with him and his wife back in 2014.
PS... please LISTEN LIKE SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT.... please NO COMMENTS about how expensive real hardware synths are and how broke you are... or how the hardware for thousands doesn't sound as good and the fraction of the cost software. Personally, I think they both sound solid and work together well. Whatever you have, just crank it up and HAVE FUN.
PPS - RTFM ---- if you are curious or saving to score or AWAITING FULFILLMENT (like me) then RTFM - Read The F-ing Manual !!!!
UPDATE: EASEL landed here at HEADROOM Studios shortly after this vide and is way beyond expectations.
- Basically what you are HEARING in THIS VIDEO is me BILL T MILLER of ORGY OF NOISE on the Arturia Buchla Easel V Soft Synth (two different mono tracks for a stereophonic dimension ) set to a custom KRELL PATCH that was modeled after TODD BARTON and ALLEN STRANGE (and Bebe and Louis Barron Soundtrack for Forbidden Planet featuring KRELL explorations.) My adapted BTM KRELLO patch is pitched down for extra crunch and played with an Arturia MiniLab USB Keyboard (but mostly just let Krell patch evolve and devolve.)
- SEE PHOTOS by Bill T Miller of
- BUCHLA 2014 in concert featuring
- Don Buchla - electronic instruments
- Nannick Buchla - piano
- Joel Davel - percussion
!!!! THANX !!!!!
Also, check out BUCHLA on YOUTUBE... Adam Clark has an excellent GETTING STARTED with 208c tutorial.
- Mega THANX to TODD BARTON for being the keeper of the knowledge guru and guiding us to next level of Buchla Magick. His teachings of the KRELL PATCH and EASEL Program Cards expanding on the original ALLEN STRANGE 70s Buchla Manual are the keys. TODD expanded and at the same time translated the knowledge with more detail to make it even clearer. BARTON's and STRANGE's brain drippings helped form the basis of my KRELL PATCHs and my building of Easel Program Cards.
- Artural Buchla Easel V SoftSynth Software
You can get a FREE DEMO of Buchla Easel softsynth as well as ARP 2600, EMS SYNTHI and so many more... do it today. Sure we all want/need the real rare vintage hardware... but only a few can possess those.... in the real world YOU can be exploring those instruments NOW via soft synths and create yer own sonics ...and IF you ever get yer hands on a hardware version you will be ready to go.
- SUPER THANX to SHERI HAUSEY and Ziggy Cat for ALL.
- MOST of ALL - THANX to the GENIUS of the BRILLIANT LEGEND Mr. DON BUCHLA. I was lucky enough to witness him and concert and after the show have a CHAT with him and his wife back in 2014.
PS... please LISTEN LIKE SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT.... please NO COMMENTS about how expensive real hardware synths are and how broke you are... or how the hardware for thousands doesn't sound as good and the fraction of the cost software. Personally, I think they both sound solid and work together well. Whatever you have, just crank it up and HAVE FUN.
PPS - RTFM ---- if you are curious or saving to score or AWAITING FULFILLMENT (like me) then RTFM - Read The F-ing Manual !!!!