AP Euro: German Unification

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An overview of the process of German unification, with an emphasis on the role of Otto von Bismarck. This video is aimed at students taking the AP European History exam, but all are welcome to enjoy.
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wow this explained it 800 times better than the textbook


this is so clear and helpful! I feel like an expert on the german unification. thank you very much Paul


I am honestly shocked as to how thoroughly you cover each and every topic. I'm able to get almost everything, if not all, information I need to know. This helps me feel at ease for all the questions I have for homework assignments, as well as upcoming tests. Thank you so much!


Bravo, thank you so much! You truly told the stories (I also watched the Italian unification video) as if it were a movie. You kept things very interesting!


You explain things so clearly congratulations.


Thanks for the video. I have been very unclear of this topic for school but this video helped me better understand many topics.


Sir I am wtaching from Pakistan. Your content and way of teaching is extraordinary. May God please you more and more. Stay Strong After seven year of Uploading the video...


this is one of the finest lecture thank u paul . i got recommended by Tom Richey to view u and u really live to expectation .


Thank you for making these! Especially nice to have more recent videos for me to study ( :


Thank you so much.Heled me alot for writing my free-response on italian german unif.


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Good Contribution. Sorry to adjust some things, which were not exact. Danmark had the control over Schleswig Holstein BUT they had it under two conditions. The old constitution said "up eewig ungedeelt" what meant both areas will never be part of Danmark. Second this old constitution was strengthened under London protocols of 1851. The new king of Danmark Frederic VII broke this treaty in 1863 whereas the southern province was a constitutional part of Germany, Frederic was only the ruler of the duchy. He annexed both areas, even today that is a legal reason for war ( Crimea? ). The second mistake is the map at 04:12, it shows a Italy with the Austrian City of Triest and Tirol as parts of Italy, that was not before 1919. The third thing is, that the "Emser Depesche" did not insult Napoléon by a german diplomat. It was the other way round. A french diplomat Count Bernadetti insulted the Prussian King by insisting to talk to him, whereas the old king was in holidays. Sure Bismarck wanted the war, BUT there was a big french group under the Empress and some ministers wanted it too. It may not be too smart to create an Empire in the most important building of the enemy but the coming back of Alsace and Lorraine was more than justified....


France was such a sore loser. She lost Alsace-Lorraine fair and square but nahhh just had to stay salty about it.
But this is interesting! Puts some perspective as to why France was so adamant with their terms at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 (other than you know, being invaded and torn up and whatnot).
Let's hope I do well on my IB exams *fingers crossed*


I love your videos, they're very helpful. Could you possibly do one on the thirty years war?


“The position of Prussia in Germany will not be determined by its liberalism but by its power [...] Prussia must concentrate its strength and hold it for the favorable moment, which has already come and gone several times. Since the treaties of Vienna, our frontiers have been ill-designed for a healthy body politic. Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood (Eisen und Blut).”


A few inaccuracies, but for the most part this video is accurate, but what most people don't realize about the Germans desire for Alsace-Lorraine was they didn't want, nor did the actually take the entire province of Alsace-Lorraine, it was actually about around 1/3 of the territory, that were actually mostly a German-speaking populace...


So what was so special about Alsace and Lorraine? What was so big about that land that sparked ww1 and ww2.
