Diagram 123 WOW! Electron muon Decays Neutrinos Unstable

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Diagram 123 WOW! SETI Signal e=mc squared muon electron decays muon neutrino electron anti neutrino zero 0 electrons

Line 22 7b97b Ballistic Transport Higgs Formula 2 UFO 5g WOW SETI
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hi it appears the russian meteorite 2013 did a muon implosive as the mass penetrated the stratosphere its structural mass became attracted by field effect of excited neutralised effects (static we call it ) on a attraction to the dense fields within the air and hence as it stripped its now critical mass causing a chaos spiraling to cataclysmic excertion of the negative field hence leaving an instant proton neutral field of mass that had to take on muons that stan meyer states causes an instaneous implosion as the fields do not exist with one another (one from the vacuum muon one from the pressure proton) hence the sun bright pulse that then interacts with all it soaks into causes us to now experience mutations of diseases never seen before as some evolve to cause us and the waters havoc in a fittest survive challange you may point out your views so that i can reference against mine thank you
