Flutter • Firebase • BLoC Tutorial #8 - Authentication Screen

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Hello, in this Flutter & Firebase tutorial series, we'll build a complete app with a database (Firebase Firestore) and an authentication system (using Firebase auth).

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Great Tutorial, a bit tough for beginners because of the copy pasta, but the flow is very very solid.
Love it!


Great tutorial! this series is helping me a lot.
Im having an issue, when I register the user everything works fine on the sign up but the screen doesn't return to the homepage (when I restart the app it works), this just happens when I use routes, the blocBuilder return the login page when not logged and from the login page I navigate to the /register route.
Like this:

home: BlocBuilder<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state.status == {
return const Home();
} else {
return const LoginPage();

routes: {
// '/': (context) => const Home(),
'/login': (context) => const LoginPage(),
'/register': (context) => const RegisterPage(),


thank you very much for this content, I wish I could do a good job like you in future.
just a question, is there better way than using setstate (stateful W in general)?


thanks Romain great tutorial, I have a doubt why are you using the setstate to update the bool value, can we update the state without setstate (using bloc )? If yes how can we do that, i guess using setstate in code multipal time is not a good programming practice and thank you once again :)


Great tutorial....The prefix icon doesn't appear on my screen until i tap on it.
