2024 Best Food Plot Mix

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What is the best food plot mix for you to plant for this season? There is more than just 1 food plot mix that may be the best for you! There are several factors for determining what you should plant in your 2024 food plots. Here is a great level of detail to help you determine which food plot mix is the best for your own personnel set of conditions...

*All 19 of our 2024 WHS Pure Wildlife Blends are available for purchase right now, including all of our Fall blends, just in time for early bow season! Check out our food plot seed blend website....

*To sign up for info about Digital Land Management for public and private land, check out:

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WHS is purely the only plan I just follow.
My neighbors apparently don't watch your awesome... Free informational channel, and I'm not telling them.
All good, and on schedule here in north central Indiana thanks to you.


Buffalo, NY here, excited to hear you have a dealer within 2 hours of me in NY. I will be visiting them to buy some!


Been blessed with good rain! Got almost waist high buckwheat now in 6 weeks. Going to cultivars, spray and plant big boost 365, next week. Following, praising this great information! Follow this program and expect great results!


Thanks Jeff. Fall planting right around the corner. Went perennial clover, birdsfoot and alfalfa on several small plots this year. An old saying, "inert matter" might as well be dirt, no value! Best of luck to all and pray for timely rain!


I look forward to this video every year!! The development over the years is incredible..


This guys passion makes this my favorite channel. Very little preached applies here in the hog covered/ gas pad riddled post oak savanna, but the basics are true everywhere. Long time subscriber and a fan, thanks Jeff!


I live in Alabama and have 265 acres of hunting property. I love your videos but it would be awesome if you could do a dedicated video to your opinions on food plots in the south planting times and plot mixes. Thank you in advance Jeff you’re awesome brother.


From now on I’m referring to u as professor Jeff. Experience in food plots. Loved this episode. Tried the tillage radish last year but Mother Nature didn’t help us out. Thanks professor


Started off the new farm with some late late (late) planted soybeans last weekend. Either they will live or the deer will eat them all but it seemed practical so I could get on top of weeds in year one and then switch things over to greens and buckwheat. On the verge of 2+years of projects done in under 8 months and I am feeling it!


Great info guys!! I’m gonna have to watch this a few times haha


Thank you Jeff, appreciate all your info!!!


We put together a video you can check out, but in a nutshell, I managed to get about a 1/8 acre plot of your Big Boost brassicas growing last year in central Texas. After a couple hiccups, it did great!


Jeff, huge fan!!! I just bought my first timber last October. I have literally watched every single one of your videos and has helped me tremendously!!!
Thank you for this invaluable content.
I live in “fairytale” Iowa, do you need a dealer in Iowa? Or do you have one already by chance?


We need a seed dealer in the south!!! Don’t forget about us down here!!


Do you believe this process would work in the Southern States. Here in Ga the clay is rock hard and I cant see the buckwheat growing on it. Even if I spread it in a rain I think it would just wash away? I will still be trying it because your videos have me pumped up. Fingers crossed.


Love your channel, I am down in central georgia and going into year 2 of a 90 acre piece. Hasn't been planted before, we just within the last few days cleared 4 new plots. One is a qtr acre, 2 are half acre, and 1 is 1.5 acres. Can I grow buckwheat going into fall, seed it with the mix and cut down the buckwheat after a few weeks? Will that work with our super hot summers?? And what can I plant this spring to get ready?


Thanks Jeff! Any advice on how to handle muddy plots or too much rain? I'm out in wi


Does barn lime need to be tilled in? I put some out during Christmas ‘24.


I spoke on a website that I’m trying your brasica blend( without kale) due to those tall stemmy plants that the deer won’t touch) I even said I spoke with the owner and he has no plans to remove from blend . He chimes in on the site and said that wasn’t the kale it was a radish that went to seed, he also said that’s what happens when mixed with extra radish he has the mix that way for a reason ?? It sure didn’t look like radish . I still think it’s the kale doing that……I will let you know how your blend does for me this fall. I’m not too far from your location in sw wisconsin


Jeff...i got my buckwheat out late, only a few weeks ago on a new plot, how late in Southeastern KY can i wait to plant fall crop? I have fall power greens and perennial plot power.
