2024 update: 10 years of use, Dangers of KRATOM an Introduction for New Users (MUST WATCH!)

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2024 UPDATE: Coach HardgainZ is now a 10 year daily user of Kratom,  as well as a 20+ year recovery coach with hundreds of clients experiences and anecdotal evidence studied and documented.
Coach HardgainZ has very rapidly become the worlds most knowledgeable and trusted source for anyone wanting to learn all things kratom !!

There’s so much more to kratom than most people know about or will even discuss especially in the kratom community. But Walt kratom is an immense blessing to many it Contains a host of hidden dangers. And these hidden dangers can cause many complications and adverse side effects.
So please stay tuned for this series of videos as we delve deeper into the potential dangers of kratom for new consumers.

Part 2 can be seen on my other channel here:

#spinalfusion #kratom #painmanagement 

More of my kratom videos you should watch:

KRATOM 101 and it’s Dangers


KRATOM & SEX / Hormones

Best way to take KRATOM


KRATOM Withdrawal

KRATOM and Bodybuilding

KRATOM and my CANCER scare

5 things I wish I Knew about KRATOM

The KRATOM video YOU ALL have been asking me for (HERE IT IS!)
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just be careful guys I am a recovering heroin and fentanyl addict been clean almost 2 years, but been taking Kratom daily and like everything else in my life i seem to have taken it to an extreme, and it gave me a seizure the other day. started doing research, and other people have also experienced the same thing I think it can be a good thing when used appropriately & it has helped reduce my cravings, but beware don’t take too much of it


Kratom saved me from a life crippling heroin addiction that lasted from age 18-30. I now have a dependence to Kratom but also have a successful healthy life for last 8 years. It is not good to be dependent on something but it is 100 times better than heroin or fentanyl.


I feel like Kratom is the only thing that’s allowing me to live my life right now. I can’t imagine going back to the hell that I was in before. 😢


I'm a huge proponent of using kratom to help with addiction, but I believe that should also come with counseling and help from your support system. Kratom truly is a blessing, especially in emergency situations week when you need to get out of something much more harmful, but it's not a permanent solution.


I’ve been using it daily for 6 years and it absolutely saved my life. I have nothing but respect for kratom. This plant should not be banned because the temporary withdrawals are worth it - I got my life back!!! I’m currently quitting and in withdrawals from it. I started tapering slowly and that’s the way to go. It’s not THAT bad, the major side effects I have is insomnia and low energy. Don’t quit cold Turkey because it will be too shocking for your body. I will forever be grateful to God for making this plant for us ❤️


Guys, it really doesn’t take much to lower your kratom tolerance. All I do is take just enough to keep me out of withdrawal for a day or 2. Then BAM. It hits me like a truck again. Been taking high doses for 12+ years, but that’s just my experience with it. Everybody is different.

There are some people like me who never had high motivation or good dopamine levels anyway and are better off using kratom for motivation. A lot of Personality based. I work 55 hours a week and have a gf. Without kratom I could barely handle 30 hours.


I discovered this plant when I was struggling to kick my pain pill addiction. It saved my life. I also used this daily and have for about 8 to 9 years now. Yes, it can be addictive and be abused, it is not an answer to any problem but it is a tool that can help you with pain/mental issues as long as you are treating as such.


Heroin/ Opiate/ Opiod.. Needle user for 18 years. Just got out of jail and 6 months clean.

Getting out the big house I’m now on Kratom Reds and Whites. A blessing indeedski


A very respectful good morning from San Diego, Cali.
New subscriber & new kratom user here, and I just wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude for the wealth of knowledge and hard won experience that you’re so kindly sharing with the world! I am so thankful to have found you now, instead of later on down the road, and ending up creating a monster that I then would have a heck of a time taming!!! Because of YOU I am only going to use this amazing product very sparingly and only when I absolutely cannot stand the physical pain of my numerous injuries.
Please keep on keeping on.
Godspeed Sir!🙌🏼


I started taking kratom in 2017 for severe alcoholism. It has allowed me to quit drinking cold turkey. I haven't drank alcohol since August 7th 2017. I'm 28 years old started drinking when I was 12 and drank until I was 23. I'm so glad I was able to find something that took away all of my alcohol cravings completely. Over the years I had times where I was taking too much kratom and would take 40-50 grams a day which is way too much powder but I realized I was taking too much and nowadays I'm on a much more manageable dose schedule. I now take 3-4 (5) gram doses a day and I feel much better on the lower doses regiment. I hope more people can discover kratom because it can truly be a life changing substance.


Kratom saved my life. I was a hardcore pain pill, heroin, benzo & cocaine addict for 15+ years. I have been sober with just taking kratom now since 2017. The plant is a miracle to many...just use with caution. Only side effects are constipation and I need it everyday. Those are super minor side effects for the pain relief, motivation, curbing of drug cravings and sleep benefits I get. The plant literally SAVED MY LIFE. Saying kratom is like IV Dilaudid is a complete joke! Clearly you have NEVER SHOT DILAUDID. The is such a misleading and untrue statement it is RIDICULOUS!


Great video and I appreciate you spreading awareness about the dangers of Kratom. You are spot on. I went through taking it for years and then making myself get off it and it was a challenge to do. I personally would say stay away from it if you are an addict. We know how we are and we can say all we want that we won't go overboard with it, but being very honest with yourself, is that really true? We want to be free from addiction, that's what we really want, and Kratom can keep us in it. I choose freedom, but also deeply understand addiction so can understand the reasons for taking Kratom. Much love to you and anyone who reads this. 💖


Oxycodone and heroine addict here for 20 years. I wanted to quit but NEVER could bc the withdrawal symptoms were so bad. Then one day I heard of kratom and decided why not. I NEVER DID HEROINE or Oxy after that day. Been clean for 10years now bc of kratom. I would have Od'd and died by now. Kratom isn't perfect but it is 1000x's safer that what I was on. I've never had an adverse effect. I'm currently lowering my dose weekly and plan to quit kratom in the coming year. Kratom saved my life. No doubt.


I listen to Joey and came across your channel today. As an recovering alcoholic and addict, I can attest to the risks. The key point I get from this and Joey's channel is to treat Kratom with respect. I went through a phase where I was taking too much and experienced mild withdrawal symptoms but they did not affect me that badly. I use a journal to track my intake and take a break every 6 weeks. Tapering dosages' has helped greatly with withdrawals. I'm glad to share any experiences with that if anyone needs help or encouragement.


10 years with Kratom, for many many reasons. Slow tapering over the course of say a month, while using herbs like kava and passion flower and avoiding caffeine and there's little to no withdrawal. I've also quit before cold turkey, 😂😂 was kinda nuts, but slowly taking less and less is the far better way to go.


I've been on a daily habit 2-3 times a day about 4-6 grams per dose for about 3 years. I haven't seen any negative effects, except in the morning, i feel moody before my dose. My main concern is what effect it will have on my liver and kidneys. Im gonna try tapering off for some time.


You are absolutely one-hundred per-cent correct about withdrawing from kratom. If you take enough of it like I did you will withdraw like you have never withdrawal from anything in your entire life. Literally every day for two weeks I felt like I was going to die.


I'm on day two without kratom after 4 year's. I can relate to EVERYTHING that he is saying! Quiting is very hard. And the process is horrible. But this stuff really changed my life for the best.


I suffer from chronic anxiety. I've been on kratom every day for almost 3 years. It's given me my life back. I'm terrified of the thought of quitting even for just a day.


Hey Adam, I've been a recovering alcohol and marijuana user and have been using kratom to wiend me off of a bunch of substances and it's worked wonders for me as well once I used kratom to an extent I've been abusing it for the past few months not knowing how to use it properly anymore but I've gained information about it recently and you've left a great impression from your insight on it thanks for the video
