Daily Reading - Mark 7

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Branch Together is an effort to bring Christians together to read the Bible every day. We know as Christians that we are called to "branch out" and reach the world around us, but first we must come "together" and develop habits that help us grow to be more like the people Jesus is calling us to be.

Today we read and reflect on Mark 1, from the New English Translation.

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What stands out first to me is v7-23. When I hear Jesus preach, He reminds me through His Word that God is always looking at our hearts. It's not vain acts of goodness or tradition in a self righteous sense that pleases the Lord. He shows us the problem comes within our hearts naturally, and that we need to accept Jesus' Grace to transform our hearts.


When we serve His Kingdom, it's nothing but a blessing that is pure and priceless. We are all created but not all are called to be His sons and daughters. Praise Him for the Salvation and for the privilege to know Him more


Have you ever wondered why Mark records so many miracles of Jesus? Jesus is always doing something miraculous.


Hello my husband and I have just started lisning to this. So far so good ill let you know more when get thur more of it we have started in Mark and we plan to watch them all thank you Matthew and Shileen


I guess what comes out of the mouth is very very critical. That stands out for me because often we speak out of anger or just to allow time to go by but don't really ponder why and what we're talking about.


What stands out to me is how the pharisees always thought that they could trick Jesus and catch Him in a lie but Jesus always had reason and that just proves that there is reason in everything and that God’s reasoning is always right!


Good Morning Pastor Jared'Thanks for sharing..see you tonight..chapter 8


I want to think more on rules I follow and traditions we've created that I do over following Jesus. I can't think of any now, but there has to be! Anyone else come up with some?


This is fantastic! I recently started writing out the Bible and upload a time lapse recording of each chapter. Being able to see and hear the Word is incredibly powerful.


In our human nature when we disagree with someone it can be impossible to find the right about them. However Jesus was perfect. Though they could not have liked to hear how they were honoring their own traditions and not following God's law, it is so impossible to find fault they even admit "he is doing everything right" may our walk with Jesus be so close that even if non believers cannot believe in our faith... they can find nothing truly bad to say. We must remember that the holy spirit is in us and that we are called to be the body of Christ.


I am a Spanish speaker and I am studying chapters in Spanish and English too. It is a blessed to have chapters of the Bible written and read with a resume of the chapter at the end. Please continue doing this. Do the whole testament in that way. Bless.


7:24 - 'Jesus was not able to escape notice' - This is a theological impossibility. Being omnipotent, Jesus had complete control over who approached Him and who didn't. I think that this means that Christ never completely prevents anyone from coming to Him if they are sincere.


I went to a christian school where there were plenty of man's rules cited as Gods...a tie, really short hair, etc....we're required to be a good Christian but minorities we're excluded from even worship. Sad but thankfully I got out of there thanks to am Army scholarship.


All foods are clean to eat ? What does that say about Leviticus 11?


We will never attain to the mountain of internal peace if we govern ourselves according to our own will (i/me monkey). This self nature (i/me monkey)of our soul must be conquered. Our directions, our judgements, our disposition to rebel must be subjected (to the TRUTH of our Fathers Word revealed thru the precious Holy Spirit within our heart/tummy) and reduced to ashes. How ? In the fire of obedience, for it is there that we will find out if we truly a follower of Divine Love or self (i/me monkey) love. There must come a holocaust of our own values and judgements and will.
One of our Father's servants once said
It would be better that we gather dung by obedience than
be caught up into the third heaven by our own will.
Molinos Obedience Spiritual Guide


The "dog" comment Jesus makes kinda bothers me at first read. Anyone else?


do you become a demon when you go to hell? when you go to hell, how does your body look like? and how can demons possess you if when you go to hell, you will get tormented and tortured (this is assuming you do become a demon when you go to hell)


I dont understand " demons" did people realy have demons or was that another way of referring to an illness
