Echeverria - Salsa Vršac

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Instruktori Plesnog studija Millennium snimili su niz klipova sa salsa figurama koji se rade na našim časovima. Klipovi su, kao i sam kanal, prvenstveno namenjeni članovima našeg salsa tima, ali i svima onima koji žele da nauče salsu, ili obnove naučeno znanje.

Plesači: Dejan i Vanja

Muzika: Gloria Estefan - Como Me Duele Perderte


The instructors of Millennium Dance Studio recorded a number of clips of salsa figures that we learn and dance in our classes. The clips, like the channel itself, are primarily intended for members of our salsa team, but also for those who want to learn salsa, or renew the learned knowledge.

Dancers: Dejan & Vanja

Music: Gloria Estefan - Como Me Duele Perderte

I do not own this song. No Copyright infringement intended. For entertainment purposes only.
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