Drone Surveying - Endless Possibilities

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Drone Surveying - Endless Possibilities

Never in the history of the mining industry has timely and accurate decision making been more important. All whilst keeping close tabs on cost and safety.
Technological advances play an integral part of the way forward.

Employing UAV’s to attain precise and quick measurements has increased significantly over the last few years. Survey is done between 70 - 100m elevation using photogrammetric survey methods to ensure safe and expeditious accurate data.

A time study done by VBKOM at a client, highlighted the reduced turnaround time for a complete survey. 42.8 Hectares were surveyed comparatively. Conventional methods took 52.5 hours whereas aerial survey only took 3.45 hours. Time saved 48.5 hours with a survey difference of 0.06%.

1) Reduced survey operational cost
2) Improved accuracy and reduced human error (3D precision)
3) Increased safety, eliminating need for personnel to navigate dangerous terrain
4) Greatly reduce time consuming conventional methods
5) Increased reach (i.e.: top of stockpiles)
6) Improved data availability

What do we offer:
• Accurate stockpile volume readings
• 3D modeling
• Orthophoto generation
• Point cloud generation
• DTM / DEM surfaces
• Contour Plans

How can we serve you ?

Grant Scott
Senior mining engineer / Survey Manager
CELL: + 27 (0) 82 937 4671
TEL: + 27 (0) 12 654 0004

95 Lyttelton Road, Clubview, Centurion, 0157
PO Box 7777, Centurion, 0046
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