WORLD RECORD for MOST Characters in One FNF Song...

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18 Opponents? 26 Singers? 52 CHARACTERS AT ONCE!? How many will BREAK FNF? We look at two Friday Night Funkin mods that break the record for most characters in one song. These include Shaggy x Matt: Final Destination (Chaos Edition), and Pluto's Reprisal w/ Kata.

Both FNF mods contain insane mechanics, such as God Mode, Dave and Bambi Expunged charting, Mickey Mouse creepypasta jumpscares, and lots and lots of Moons n' Dwarf Planets (yes, really lol). Let's find out why these mods hold world records!

🥊🪐 Who do you think wins, Final Destination or Pluto's Reprisal? Let's comment below!


Metatera's Socials!:



That's right, this is the MOST characters in one FNF mod song! This may also count as the hardest FNF song or mod, as well as the most impossible Friday Night Funkin song. So, Final Destination: Chaos Edition holds the world record for most FNF mod characters singing at once in one song. Pluto's Reprisal holds the title for most original characters singing an original song. Both mods are special in their own right, with Shaggy x Matt's spinoff mod containing 52 characters, while Kata in Pluto's Reprisal holds 18 singing characters in total.
FD: Chaos Edition contains iconic FNF mod characters, such as Sonic.Exe, Mickey Mouse, Tricky n' Whitty, and good 'ol Bob and his friend Ron (Little Man might be somewhere in there haha). The sussy Among Us Impostor from Imposter V4 shows up as well, including old favorites such as Tabi, Nonsense, and Dave and Bambi.
Meanwhile, Pluto's Reprisal holds just about every opponent you can think of in space, lol, (or at least as many in our solar system). This includes Earth itself, Pluto and the Dwarf Planet Eris, and the Sun (but we'll save that character for another video!). The mod contains 3 chapters, including our Milky Way, a whole lotta moons including the Asteroid Belt, and Dwarf Planets alongside comets n' possibly a black hole in the future! It's a really unique mod, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't gotten more attention. Hopefully this vid can shed more light onto such an interesting mod :)

#fnf #fridaynightfunkin #plutosreprisal #fnfshaggy #fnfmods
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🥊🪐 Who do you think wins, Final Destination or Pluto’s Reprisal?


thx for looking at pr, i worked on it alongside digi and honestly i wasn’t expecting it to gain as much traction as it has


there is no way metatera talked about plutos reprisal this is crazy


yo i didn't think u would actually play my final destination chaos edition mod! thank you so much! sadly im not working on god mode, the mod has become too unstable to compile without getting errors here and there. i plan to make another mod with lots more characters and an actual *playable* mod. pluto's reprisal actually seems like a really really good mod, i don't think we're rivals lol.


The funny thing is that Kata is longer than this entire video. Also, thanks for checking out Pluto's Reprisal. It really is great to see this mod get more attention.


Also, what makes Pluto's Reprisal better for me is that Final Destination is supposed to be a joke, a test to see how many characters it takes to break the game, & I don't think you're meant to complete it. Kata is taken seriously, like it's an actual mod, & an actual song that you can beat. That's not even counting the other songs with a lot of characters in it like Nexus: 9 characters, Myriad: 8 characters, Barrel Roll, Barricade & Nomadic: 6 characters. Not to even mention what new songs could come in part 4. Definitely check out Pluto's Reprisal if you haven't. :)


Thank you so much for checking out PR. It's such an amazing mod, and with part 4 coming on march 26th (hopefully), Maybe an even longer song with even more characters is to come!

Also, FYI, Since you mentioned the Sun on the description, i think you'll be doing a video on the largest fnf character lore-wise. Just letting you know that, the Sun doesn't hold that record anymore. I made my own fnf mod on Pluto's Reprisal style called Verenos' Revenge, which is where Verenos, a Pluto analogue, rap battles the system he's in for the same reason as Pluto. The Sun of that system is Called Cemeliz, and She's 1.13 times bigger than the Sun, so she holds the record for the largest fnf character lore wise.

The sad part is that VR isn't recognized yet, since it has like 7k views only and 12 downloads on gamebanana so it still has a long way to go.


Thanks for checking out Pluto's Reprisal! The mod is so underated and I am so glad that you checked it out.


Yooo im glad someone talks about Pluto's Reprisal that mod really need some love tbh :D


1:39 Did that potato just have a stroke?


now we need a "whats the HARDEST fnf song ever" now that we have. "how many characters" and "whats the LONGEST fnf song"

itll somewhat makes it feel complete


Wait until you hear about Divergence, a 24 hour DnB marathon song.
(it got canned lmao but all the finished sections combined length is about 18 h)
Its first segment is fully charted and it has 58 characters showing up at the same time at some point.
but it will have more than 600 characters singing at once in the finale.


Dave and Bambi a behemoth of itself looking at their Fantracks you have songs over 20 minutes and deimurge clones and usually over a dozen characters contentment is a extreme example of that but especially at the end of the song everyone sings at the same time Endowment.


Yo!! I remember I played Pluto's Reprisal, I didn't expect that mod to be in this video!


final destination got me like:
when entire character group
your pc: *racecar intenfises*


Yes Pluto has a hard time getting his status back lol.


What makes Kata even better

Its the Longest Song in the mod and with most characters in the fnf community


Pluto's Reprisal beats it, no doubt


I really like the celestial instrument settings and the songs in PR.This is very novel!


I guess right by saying 52, i couldnt believe it myself.
