Harvesting Dinner (Farm to Table harvest and Cook with me) | VLOG

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.


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Rarely do I come out of lurking to comment but I just gotta say THESE are the videos I miss the most. Not necessarily the cooking (while I do love that too) but the HARVEST. I love watching you harvest such abundance. It's so inspiring to be honest.


Thank you for bridging the gaps between growing, harvesting, and eating REAL food. :)


I don’t know what it is about your videos, but they truly inspire me to go out into the garden every time. I will literally pause the video take a walk in the garden and then pick up where I left off. Thank you for sharing with us, Jess!


“Jess looks at camera and tosses a half cup of butter in pan.” 😂😂😂 me: YES! #buttermakeseverythingbetter 🧈🧈🧈


"You are highly favored.". Couldn't say it much better, Jeremiah!! ❤❤


So glad you understand the value in showing how you use what you grow. What seems simple or mundane to you has great value for so many of us. Thank you for sharing ❤



Last night I made sausage, potatoes, and green beans for dinner. The green beans came from our garden. I was able to harvest enough to feed us for dinner and leftovers for lunch. I cannot express to you how proud I was to harvest just this one product and have it be enough to make a healthy side for my family. This channel gave me the confidence to just get started with gardening. I spent two years overthinking and feeling too uneducated and crippled by analysis paralysis to actually grow things. Watching you gave me permission to just put some plants in the ground and get started. I have already learned so much and cannot wait to improve with each season. Tonight we will be having potatoes from our garden, garden fresh cucumber for snacks, and later this week I’ll be using my home grown peppers in some chili. I’m nowhere near making a complete meal from my homestead like this, but I could not be more excited about where we are. Please make more content like this! I love getting produce from my garden, but sometimes I look at it and think “so what do I do with this now”. We have been so conditioned to only use the limited selection of fruits and veggies at the grocery store. We go out and buy what we need to make a recipe from Pinterest. We don’t learn how to look at what we grow and develop a meal for our families. This type of content is so helpful to reframe how we eat, and I know that the more of this I watch, the more confident I will become to grow “unusual” foods and know how to actually use them for a meal.


I love the ending 😄 🎶I hope this inspires you....makes you wanna go pick your dinner....first you gotta grow it!🎶 There's gotta be a shirt or a sticker in there somewhere.😁


Love the last couple harvest videos. I say a mess of beans at least 40 years since I was twenty two a mess of greens it means alot enough for a large pot full of beans or greens tell Miah. Love to watch you and cooking what you pull for dinner. Peaches are so expensive now due to freezing. You lucked up this year . Bless you and family.. ❤


🎉 watching with cc on and when she said comfrey salve. It was comfreys have.
And helichrysum = hella prisons. Rofl 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 i was laughing hysterically. So funny. ❤


Miah must have missed you, he is very presentnin this video ! So cute to have parents helping get dinner ready together


I love to walk through the garden to figure out dinner as well. I agree with you, it is really hard to then go back and film the whole process. What a lot of people don't see is filming things makes the task take 2-3 times longer than it normally would. Filming food and getting it done while the food is hot takes a lot, you did a fantastic job with it all! It's so nice to see like minded people! Thanks for the hard work Jess! ❤❤


I love your "Potatoes are back on the menu, boys." A LOTR reference is always appreciated. Thank you for the kitchen inspiration!


😂 the salt and pepper being too personal comment had me dying. That may be my favorite Jess line ever.


I just want to acknowledge and show my appreciation for the TLOTR movie reference when you said potatoes are back on the menu, boys! I LOVE that you sometimes throw movie and random quotes out. My family and I do it all the time, and lots of times people have no idea what we are talking about. Gotta love random quotes and songs popping into our heads! 😉 Oh, and I love the rest of the video, as well. 😁


LoL I love how you nonchalantly tossed the massive clump of butter into the pan 😂 *chef's kiss*


I appreciate you taking the time and effort to make the cooking content as a busy mama. It is an area I struggle with and this was greatly inspirational.


Double Ds? Mighty big patty pan squash!


Lol, loved the butter toss and the badass look on your face at the moment... “come at me, I dare ya.” 😎


You all have more energy than 10 people. Fun to watch, especially the cooking cuz that's my focus this year, learning to cook all I grow, in ways I enjoy eating.
