Greatest Sermon Ever Preached in this Generation - S.M. Lockridge

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I posted this years ago and excited to re-post what I believe is arguably the greatest spirit-filled sermon in this generation, by A man about THE MAN who without question preached the greatest sermon OF ALL TIME (Sermon on the Mount) - Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen as the late Dr. S.M. Lockridge takes us on a journey and unlocks the power and majesty of our Creator and the incredible work that his Son; Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross and the victory of his resurrection!
0:00 (Intro) Where a sick man can get well
3:02 He's the Owner
4:50 The Lordship of Christ
11:31 The Invitation
13:55 (Conclusion) The Lord is my Shepherd

*If you are distracted by the production/music of this video or would simply like to listen to this sermon in it's purest form, please visit:

Shadrach Meshach Lockridge (March 7, 1913 – April 4, 2000) was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation in San Diego, California, from 1953 to 1993. He was known for his preaching across the United States and around the world.

Life and work:

Lockridge was born in Robertson County, Texas, the oldest of eight children and the son of a Baptist minister. A graduate of Bishop College in Marshall, Texas, he worked for two years as a high school English teacher. In 1940 in Dallas, he felt led to preach. In 1941 he married Virgil Mae Thompson.

In 1942, he accepted his first pastorate at Fourth Ward Baptist Church in Ennis, Texas. In August 1952, he was named pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego where he served until retiring in 1993.

During Lockridge's tenure at Calvary Baptist, a predominantly African-American congregation, his ministry reached more than 100,000 people. He preached at crusades, revivals, religious rallies and evangelistic conferences around the world.

He also served in key regional, state and national positions with the Baptist Church, including being elected as the Moderator of the Progressive Baptist District Association, President of the California Missionary Baptist State Convention, and the first president of the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America, where he held all three major positions simultaneously.

He held doctorates and numerous honorary degrees, and was often sought as a public speaker, even after he retired in 1993. He served as guest lecturer at numerous schools and universities and on the faculty of several others, including the Billy Graham School of Evangelism.

Lockridge was active in the civil rights movement, and under his leadership Calvary Baptist hosted several of its leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr.

Рекомендации по теме

If you were blessed by this sermon, here are a few other sermons from the Late Dr. S.M. Lockridge that you may also enjoy:


I am about to face a demon of addiction. I am going to sober up but I can’t do it alone. I need my Lord to help me with this battle. Please pray for me ! Lord save me from this Monster !


I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me - If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊💜 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!! ✌💜🕊🙏


I heard this sermon in prison 2yrs ago and I instantly fell to my knees crying, I steer away after I was released, but for 2yrs I have been searching for this sermon, because hearing this. Today I have been 5 days sober, thank you God, because without Jesus, we are lost. I highly recommend this sermon to everyone who needs to hear about Jesus


I am a Pastor but i have never heard a man whose lips were more anointed by the power of God. This man is special!


Dear listeners, please pray for me: I'm in a homeless shelter and I'm trying to get my life together. I am saved and love Jesus, but I need training/work and my own place to live. Please pray for me and leave prayers in my section and I'll pray for you too. God bless.


Please pray for me. My name is Dustin and I am 36 years old. I deal with sciatic nerve pain after breaking my back at 30. I have a hard time working and holding down a job and providing for my family. I've been a provider all my life but I am struggling. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is Lord. Bless you all and may God bless you all as well. ❤️


Just as true in 2024 as it was in 1982


Never get tired of listening to this man


Saints please pray for me my name is Leon. I need deliverance and sanctification to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God bless you in Jesus name.


Lord Jesus. Please save me from the spirit of depression. ❤


I accidentally pushed the wrong button. I was not finished. I have listened to this sermon three times today and I'm preparing to listen to it a fourth time. I found this man to be incredibly moving in the spirit of the Holy Ghost. I am 70 years old and I am still a baby in Christ words. I am absolutely in tears every time I listen to this man speak. His words of wisdom, great knowledge and in the ways of the Lord are incredibly moving.. I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord has prepared a place for this man in God's house. AMEN !!!!


This is a true message from God!! Lord have mercy on us because we all need to listen to this message, may God bless us 🙏


He did what every preacher is supposed to do give all the glory to Lord Jesus


I'm 75 and God has blessed me to hear one of his servants preach the truth of God.


I know ths pastor. I use to go to his Church when I was a kid. My grandmother played the piano for this church . Wow I'm so glad you posted this. God is Good.


Lord, be my LORD! Of all of me! For your glory! Without You, I can do nothing. I am yours. YOU are our HOPE and our only HELP. A very present help in the time of need! Thank you, my LORD!


JESUS is the SON of GOD!!!
Amen and Amen!!!


as i listen to this powerful message, and the tears roll down my face, i will just say thank you Jesus, it has been tough, but thank you my mom left me after i was born and never came, back, lost my family when i was young, became an alcoholic and drug addict, now clean, and sober for 16 years, in sobriety, lost everything, my clothes, my dogs due to a fire, became homeless, the Lord gave me the strength, to remain sober, i trying to start a business and i leave that to the lord, thank you Jesus, for never leaving me, for giving me hope, faith, and strength, i will never give up, and i will never stop loving my lord, thank you for this message, and Thank You Jesus !


Jesus is the owner of the Dead and the living. No one comes to the Father but by Jesus the messenger. Bless the Lord 2024 #That is a lot
