8 Things The Heyoka Empath Does That Most People Find It Hard To Handle | Heyoka Empath

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8 Things The Intuitive Empath Does That Most People Find It Hard To Handle | Heyoka Empath

In the previous video, we discussed some of the reasons why empaths tend to have relationship difficulties. And honestly, one of the primary reasons is because the majority of people simply can't deal with an empath. Empaths Refuge

------------------------------------------------------------------ --~--
0:00 - Opening
1:29 - Empaths fear becoming involved in a committed relationship
2:16 - Empaths tend to ask excessive inquiries
2:43 - Too much sincerity
3:06 - Empaths may know things before you even disclose it to them
3:45 - Empaths have witnessed the worst of humanity
4:20 - Empaths are extremely self-sufficient and autonomous
4:52 - They either give it all or nothing at all
5:11 - Empaths don't wish to be confined
5:50 - Ending
------------------------------------------------------------------ --~--


"Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self" by Judy Dyer :

"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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We are magnets for narcissists. Learned that the hard way but learnt it nonetheless. Single? Yes. Still loving? Absolutely.
Much love


The best people an empath can be with are other empaths. I only allow other empaths into my life at this point. But not all empaths, some that I know have narcissistic partners and with them there is no point as their partners will make it too difficult to have any kind of real relationship.


I completely agree 100%! There in lies the issue, I’m single


I have this game i play...inevitably in any relationship there comes a time when something small transpires, a fork in the road so to speak. The decision made by the other person can be revealing.
I don't say a word.
I just wait to see how they handle it.
Most everyone, when they could go right, goes left.
I'm able, then, to refrain from investing emotion in the person, and in some cases I can decide to just walk away.


Oh yes narcissistic people love using empaths, thinking themselves very smug, clever...We appear to look as if we walk right on into their lives with our eyes shut! But the truth is, we know that they draw close to us, for one reason only! Even before they are aware we already know this. Thanks for sharing!


This is me! I've been married and divorced three times.


#8 is the one that causes the most issues in my marriage. Sad that people get so territorial. 😞


I am an empath and this is right on the money. It is not easy but you are totally correct. 👍


Perfectly said...thank you. It's nice to hear someone out there understand.


Im a heyoke empath i know heyoke means clown in native indians which really means say like you can be treated like a clown like ur an idiot because of being so sensitive im a person who is alone alot as i font trust people anymore i let some people think im an idiot they dont unfetstand empathy iv not been around very nice people my ex is a covett narcassist and i dont get on with his friends for years i belirvef there was somthing wrong with me i was all over the place emotinally but the last few years iv learnt that im ferling like i do somtimes coz im picking up the other petson s like energy and wen iv felt awkward or uncomtable its coz i was picking up somthings not right it turns out i was aleays right but kept it all in and dont speak to noone about being an empsth i learnt about it about 6 or 7 years ago then realised i had every trait ov a heyoke empath although this is a gift it can be difficult especially with fake people as .i knew and felt ehat thry wer about but they lie and keep up ther act and my ex was taking me to places to stay with alot iv these kind ov leople i sufferd aswell as narcasist abuse i wad dealing with my feelings i still struggle now but try and focus on thete are good peopke in the world to dont tie everyone with the same brush i have this gift and i am going to yry use it to the best ov my abilitie for good


Can relate completely😔. Understand why relationships are what they are. The idea that I wanted to still help others while married didn't go down well. I remember saying that If I could help others no point being here. This was in relation ti a guy broken down and 1/2 people in the car saying don't worry about. That was my reply . Trying to find people that feel like a gentle flame on a cool night is challenging.


I literally can't count the number of times where the reason a gal was interested in me turned out to be the reason we broke up. They first find my ability to almost instantly pick up on their emotional state and emotional changes refreshing. They love the contrast, stating how it's so wonderful to have a man who is paying attention and cares. The fact that I was able to connect the dots and deduce WHY they were in the emotional state they were in, or why their emotional state changed seemed to only add to the mystique. But a few weeks in, that would always change. They start to feel like they are unable to hide anything, or have any privacy in their own heart and head, and so the very thing they loved would end up being the very thing that would drive them away. And so...single I remain.


Final somebody that gets Me!Shesss!🎯🎯🎯


Wow I did not expect this to be so accurate. And yes finding someone who understands and accepts and deeply loves and empath is challenging. I still have hope.


Yes thank you for this video⚘ it's very like-minded 👁and absolutely true and I apply it everyday🎯


This video hit the mail in the head. These reasons are what make it so difficult to have relationships that I can rely on.


Thank you for these understandings. I find such information very helpful. 🙏🏻


We love you so much 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁..as the empathy grows and gains his or hers self awareness you become more in control of the sensitivity our need for the truth is what motivates us ..to a narcissist we would seem to be very difficult to have a relationship with as we demand the truth and of course the narcissist will never understand how we know ..


No empath has to restore the consciousness of others hearts so they can heal and show up with love to give an empath your words or proof of the sleepy sleep


An empath is with you because you can comprehend them. SMH
