Madeline Soto Case: New Body Cam Footage, The Inconsistencies, + What's The Truth?!

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Madeline Soto Case: New Body Cam Footage, The Inconsistencies, + What's The Truth?!
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That mum definitely knew /knows everything about what her daughter was /went through 🤬🤬🤬 . I show more panic when I can’t find my dog who I know is in my house .So fed up with these mums letting their children down so so so badly 😢


The fact that she let her young daughter sleep with her creepy boyfriend and then couldn’t believe it was Maddie in his gross pictures, makes me suspicious of Jen.


That initial interaction with police was alarm bells. The lack of panic or concern, the body language, the mum not being at her 13th birthday, the way the mum speaks to the principal. Like weird AF.

Also, as a therapist, I can tell you that an enabling mother who turns a blind eye to abuse and fails to protect her child arguably causes more trauma than the abuser.


Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that in one interview mom says she talked to Maddie before she went to school and in another she said she was asleep. The mother is full of it.


Annie, this one was hard. I don't share my story often. Once before, I commented, and people were very harsh to me. However, I believe people can learn from Maddie and more survivors of severe hell houses.
Maddies case is so reminiscent of what my childhood was. I could barely watch the new camera footage. That look and over explaining. Maddies mom knew and / or had a feeling.
My Mom knew. I was raised in a home where my stepfather did unspeakable things to me. I was first found to have scars of SA at 3 when I was removed from home she worked to get me back (to the day I don't understand why) CPS put me back with her. Then she moved to a tiny town in Antelope Oregon outside of Madras. I sustained severe abuse until I was taken to Eastern OR. A man named Sammy who owned the home my mom rented would take me to the SDA church on Saturdays. I was very depleted from the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. I had plans to end my life. Sammy saw that something was wrong while at church. When I moved my sweater, he saw the bruise on my arm. He called the police. He explained that he knew at 74 years old that I needed help. They listened to him after 12 years someone listened. I had tried to tell people before. My mom would threaten that if i got taken and her favorite daughter my little sister, she would "break my kneck on the way out" if fear didn't work she would run to the other side of the state, and I'd be lost in the shuffle.
This sweet old man in Jean overalls and polyester suits on Saturday saved my life. He cared when he didn't have to. The sherif came to the door, and when Sherif Oliver saw me, he said he knew he was saving a life. I had a prisoner of war stare. I was very scared to talk or share anything it took weeks to get me to say the full amount of what our home was.
My mother chose her husband and signed over her rights. My sister and I were in Foster care for 3 years and adopted by an amazing couple in the SDA church. My story is not rare. So many are suffering in silence, and their moms know deeply that something is wrong. I was a lucky one. So many times, I was beaten to the point I was delirious and thought I was dying. When the SA would happen, I did want to die every time. It took years to heal and to really be able to start my life. As a mom of 3, I couldn't imagine allowing anyone to hurt or destroy my children. I wake up every day aspiring to give them more than I ever had. If you made it this far, I appreciate you, and thank you. If you see something, SAY something! So many of my moms friends and family knew I was definitely getting neglected, physically abused, maybe not the SA, but there were signs. I used to pray one of them would help. Be the change. Keep your eyes and hearts open.
You never know how badly a child is hoping you will. ❤


Here is what did it for me… the mom hears that the laptop may be traceable and she asks no follow up questions and takes no action to track it. If that was my daughter I’d be all over that - who can track it? How can we make that happen ASAP?


The way the boyfriend comments "she just turned 13" gives me mad creep vibes. And red flags...


If Jenn doesn't face any charges it is a total injustice to Maddie. At the very least neglect. Telling Stephan and Maddie to go sleep in the other room? WTF? Insane. You will never convince me she had no knowledge.


Not having pictures of your child on your phone is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! They definitely were trying to cover their tracks


You’re right. Her reaction to them possibly being able to track her laptop is extremely suspicious. As a parent I would be like “you can track it?! Get someone to track it now then please!!”


She looked sooo nervous when she found out that laptop was able to be tracked… she immediately got quiet and start rocking back-and-forth. That was so suspicious. She probably got nervous because she knew that that laptop was in her dumpster.


You can just tell that she already knows her daughter is not coming back by the way she’s talking to the officer. Her demeanor, tone and calculated responses are NOT normal! They both look guilty as if they’re reiterating a story they came up with together. Guilty AF! There’s zero panic coming from the “mother”. I’d be freaking out!


My son served an after-school detention for being tardy between classes. He is a bus rider so I assumed I needed to get there and pick him up. Apparently school ran a 2nd bus. The absolute terror and instant panic when I circled an empty school. I called the principal and I didn't even expect to have the surge of emotions I did I could barely keep it together to ask where he could be. They called the bus barn and contacted the driver and of course my kid didn't respond yes when he asked if *his name* was on bus. I was in tears and went to get him a cell phone that week. I was in full panic the second I didn't see him and I was surprised by the instant tears I've never not known where my kid was and It was a whole emotion I've never felt before.

My heart truly goes out to Madeline because her Mom clearly was not bonded to her child. She was probably jealous of her own daughter too and resented her.


I lost sight of my son for under 1 minute in my own yard the other week and I felt my soul leave my body, my legs literally started to give out and i was trying to open my phone screen to call my husband for help and my fingers would not work. I literally lost control of my normal bodily functions, I felt like I was in slow motion. This lady DOES NOT feel that same deep, excruciatingly scary, bizarre, terrified feeling of not knowing where your kid is. I found my son around my yard corner watching the street, perfectly fine, less than a minute after losing sight and I was full body shaking sobbing. I threw up after it was over from the sheer stress. This lady is not feeling that level of worry.


It even looks as if the mother rehearsed what she was gonna say, along with this Stephan sicko. Also, what's disturbing is he is giving the police more info about Madeline than the mom


Hearing “February 22nd 2011” just emphasised how young she truly was. I remember early-2011 like it was the other day, and she was only just being born.


One time, I didn’t realize that my dog was on the balcony and I shut her outside by accident. When I called her (inside my house) and she didn’t come to me immediately, I PANICKED. The fear I had while running through my house looking for her. I found her within two minutes, but I had a more intense reaction to losing my dog for a couple minutes than this “mother” did after learning that her daughter was MISSING? Cmon… you cannot convince me she isn’t involved in some way.

And yes… not being able to immediately pull up a picture of Madeline isn’t just sus. She’s guilty.


'Hi, Principal. I'm okay, how are you?'

I would be struggling to breathe, never mind having a polite conversation.

Surely she will be charged with something.


This case with Madelin is horrific and how long she was abused is tremendously sickening. Justice for Madelin.


That is so gross how Stephen spoke up first about any markings on maddie, like he knew exactly where the beauty mark on her face was immediately, it wasn't her mom saying it
